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Do you get a notification or any sign if you've poked someone on facebook? - Printable Version

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Do you get a notification or any sign if you've poked someone on facebook? - Felicity Smith - 02-20-2014 09:01 PM

Say you poke someone that's not in your contact/friend list in facebook do you get a notification email or is there a way of knowing if you've poked someone or who you've ever poked apart from the fact that they might poke back? Thanks guys, please reply if you know something!

- Sara - 02-20-2014 09:03 PM

you can change it from settings of facebook.

- Broadway - 02-20-2014 09:12 PM

Its not a notification. The pokebacks will be in your pokes section on your newsfeed.

- Confi J - 02-20-2014 09:13 PM

no but when they poke you back on your activity screen at the top it will say *&^%(*434 POKED YOU understand now?

- beyond magical. - 02-20-2014 09:20 PM

There's a list of people who have poked you in the side of Facebook. No, the poked do not receive any notifications or e-mails notifying them they have been poked. That'd be extremely annoying.
That's the location of pokes. Even if they're not a friend, they still receive the poke in that location.

- Anonna - 02-20-2014 09:30 PM

If a person poke you and you can poke his/her back actually The person that poke you don't going to get any notification. Well, you can poke as many times as you want on facebook but sometimes for example if you poke your friend and your friend wrote on your wall wrote "Don't Poke Me" But if you didn't add a person who isn't on your contact the person can't write on you wall and not going to get any notification on facebook Smile