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How can I stop using social media? - Printable Version

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How can I stop using social media? - sachin - 02-21-2014 01:36 AM

I am a little addicted to social media. My parents hate it and I still am tempted to open accounts. Any way to stop it?

- Steve - 02-21-2014 01:50 AM

You need to have willpower.
Try to find something else to do instead

- MikeL - 02-21-2014 01:59 AM

Nope, you can't.

- Alec832 - 02-21-2014 02:03 AM

Stop going to those sites delete all your accounts and never go back I can list you a 100 good reasons to ditch social media the top of the list is privacy your life becomes an open book when you sign up an account everything about you becomes subject to comment and scrutiny. People on social media sites don't play nice they sling mud at each other all the time, identities are frequently stolen, people spread gossip and b.s. about other people that isn't true to ruin their name finding the source who started it is tough because of anonymity and even if you find him or her and sue it's expensive and time consuming to prove it going through the courts takes years.

Do you really need social media or the attention of nasty anonymous people you'll never meet?! no is your privacy and the aggravation worth it?!