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How to make more friends while being home schooled? - Printable Version

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How to make more friends while being home schooled? - Taea - 02-21-2014 02:54 AM

Okay so I am a 15 yr girl and i'm home schooled and when i left public school i figured out who my real friends are and anyway I dont really get to get out much it was to do with my mother just not being able to take me place or maybe pushing to hard for me to be like well maybe you could play soft ball or something which i am all for although i'd kinda prefer basketball and anyway does anyone know any way to make friends online like facebook groups or websites were you can just chat with a few people who arnt like you got skype wanna sext and stuff like that.Thanks.

ps.I am planning on trying out for a basketball team or something just to start getting out more. Smile ,again thanks.

- Love big words - 02-21-2014 02:56 AM

Find a youth group

- magicbird - 02-21-2014 03:03 AM

What's stopping you from going back to public school? If your mother is pushy about you and sports, just tell her that it bothers you that she is so pushy and to please drop it [Hey, my daughter told me the same thing. I got over it. Your mother will, too].

- Sanjay - 02-21-2014 03:16 AM

by introducing with them

- K - 02-21-2014 03:30 AM

Less online, more real-life connections. Sports, hobbies, work, volunteer. If your mom isn't willing to take you around, that's going to be a REAL problem.

- Boots - 02-21-2014 03:32 AM

Do anything you can to get out of the house. You won't meet people by staying home. Try out for a basketball team, join a church youth group, volunteer somewhere, etc. Online is OK for a little bit, but it's not real socializing and a lot of people, adults included, get addicted.