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Video & Online Gaming: What's your opinion on Phil Fish? - Dave Hytmen - 02-21-2014 03:03 AM

Phil Fish was a 'Indie Video Game Developer' that developed the Video Game 'Fez', Phil Fish had a breakdown on twitter and eventually took his ball home 'Cancelling' 'Fez II'. Phil Fish has since become the 'Video Game Developer Anti-Hero' on the Internet, even though a lot of sources and Documentaries have proven Phil Fish to be nothing but a delusional anti-social ***.

- ScorpiuS - 02-21-2014 03:14 AM

I dont like him after he insulted the japanese guy and japanese culture in public.
Not that japanese are any better but that was very disrespectful and uncalled for.
If I ever hear about a game he worked on, I wont even bother to try it.

- Detective Zer0 - 02-21-2014 03:27 AM

In short: He was a big fish in a small pond. Went big time, and became the tiny fish in the ocean of the gaming industry. The sharks started circling and he panicked.

A part of me does feel sorry for him, as I know how hard public scrutiny can be. But, this is how the industry is and he should have known that going in. His "breakdown" merely shows he wasn't ready for the big leagues. And thanks to his actions, it will be very long time until he gets that kind of chance again (if ever.)

At the end of the day it isn't about the man. It's about the product and how it's represented. Fish has talent, no denying that, and it would be a shame to let it go to waste. If he does go back into the industry it might be a good idea for hime to find someone to speak on his behalf since PR is clearly not his strong suit.