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Help with copyright for videos? - Printable Version

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Help with copyright for videos? - Megan - 02-21-2014 05:26 AM

Hi I have an Instagram account called horsevideos1 and what I do is I take YouTube videos and add music and crop and split them till they look veery different from the original video. Today I posted a video and tagged the person in the videos insta account and they replied. She said that what I was doing is illegal (ya duh) and she wanted me to take it down. But the video wasn't on her YouTube page it was on another page and there was no official indication that It was copyrighted. I am very new to the idea of copyright and I was wondering what I would need to do to repost videos legally

- Yeti - 02-21-2014 05:28 AM

You need the permission of the original copyright holder to do derivative works, especially if you're posting them publicly.

Works are copyrighted as soon as they're created. They don't need to have any "official indication."

If you don't get the permission of the original copyright holder, you need to remove the videos.

- 439 - 02-21-2014 05:43 AM

Copyright has been automatic and has not required a notice in the US since 1989.

- taxreff - 02-21-2014 05:50 AM

For those new to copyright issues, there is a very simple way to avoid copyright infringement. That is:

(1) Before you post anything for which you don't own the copyright, get written permission from the copyright holder to post it, and,

(2) If you do not have or cannot get (for example, if you cannot find who the owner is) permission, do not post it.

Copyright can be a complex legal subject, but learning and following the basic rules will keep you out of trouble. Learning the differences between copyright licenses (All Rights Reserved, Creative Commons) will also help you find material you can repost, and avoid material you cannot.