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Do law schools look at your facebook account when considering admission eligibility? - Printable Version

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Do law schools look at your facebook account when considering admission eligibility? - brooklyn87 - 02-21-2014 07:02 AM

What if you don't have a facebook account? Do they take that into consideration as well?

- ownpool - 02-21-2014 07:14 AM

Some law schools might look. Most probably would not. None of them would hold not having an account against an applicant.

- Z-man i - 02-21-2014 07:29 AM

Unfortunately, some are VERY picky and I would be surprised if some did not look at your online presence. It's probably best not to have anything embarrassing out there.

More importantly though you need to have a clean online presence for future employers. I know they look. My partners like to joke about what they find on the people they interview.

- 664 - 02-21-2014 07:39 AM

In general, law schools do not routinely look at applicants' facebook accounts. They don't have time for that. And they definitely aren't making a checklist of which applicants have and don't have facebook accounts.

But even though they don't deliberately hunt down everyone's facebook accounts, admissions officers probably see a few applicants' facebook accounts for some reason or another. And if they see something really bad there (e.g. hardcore racist/sexist comments, or your ranking of your preferred law schools which shows that you rank their school low, or pornographic pictures of yourself), they probably WILL pick up the phone and notify other law schools that you have applied to.

So, chances are they will not look at your facebook account, but you should definitely make sure that you don't have anything damning on there, just in case they do take a peek for some reason.