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Deleting Facebook friends question? - Printable Version

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Deleting Facebook friends question? - BRi - 02-21-2014 07:10 AM

I recently graduated college and started my first job. Now in college I was all about Facebook and had over 500 friends (I know, not a lot), but lately when I went on it my news feed annoyed me and it made me feel nervous that people I'd never hear from again were creeping on my page. So I deleted friends off of my Facebook. Now I'm well under 100 friends. After I did this, I literally have been experiencing anxiety attacks. I know that I'll never speak to those people again, so why do I feel like this? Also, I'm a 21 year old girl. Was it normal for me to want to keep my Facebook private and only for my family and actual friends? (Not friends of friends or acquaintances.) My boyfriend was teasing me that his 60 year old father had more friends than me. It made me very upset, even though I know that my real friends are the only ones that write me on there anyway.

- Koushik - 02-21-2014 07:13 AM

Don't worry, there is nothing wrong in your activity. If you are interested in making real friends, you must be careful while approving the friend request. Check the profile of the person before accepting the request

- Nerves165 - 02-21-2014 07:16 AM

i'm a 20 year old girl and I did the same thing. I didn't delete ppl, I just stopped accepting requests or adding ppl. I only have about 120 something friends on there. The reason I don't worry about ppl creeping around on my page is because there's nothing personal on there. I never tag myself at a location or make any status' in reference to my personal life and if I do I make it so only I can see it. don't put where you work if you don't want someone to know what's going on in your life you don't know too well.

- Miss-T - 02-21-2014 07:28 AM

If it bothers u that much make the amount of friends you have private so only u can see it. Problem solved

- Afriendinneed - 02-21-2014 07:43 AM

Well first, congratulations on graduating and for your first job Smile Facebook is a social site made for being able to stay in touch with people. The easiest way. The point of it is to talk with people you want to talk to and that you like. The rest don't matter. You shouldn't worry about some random people. It will get you nowhere. You know who you love and who your real friends are. The rest of people on your list are just for small talk. Maybe you are being to self conscious? Just have some confidence and it'll all be good!

- Emily - 02-21-2014 07:48 AM

many people feel bad when they delete their "friends" on FB to shrink their buddy lists.
in that respect, u are normal.

However, i have to say you should have added people u know closely on FB in the first place.
Some people can be vindictive u know?
I have been there and done that when Myspace was cool.
I added a bunch of aquaintances i barely know in RL and some of them turned out to be creeps.
I learnt the lessons the hard way.

So when i moved on to FB, i decided to add only my family and close friends.
now i have like 80 something friends and i'm better off that way.

like someone above said, don't post anything too personal.
don't post personal photos or ur schedules or ur work place or the names of restaurants/cafes u visit frequently.
u really have no idea how many stalkerish people are out there.
yes someone might be creeping on your FB profile every hour.
you just never know.

- Rebecca - 02-21-2014 07:59 AM

Thanks for answering my q Smile

Dont worry about the people who you have deleted. If you dont know them well like you say, chances are you were probably just one of the many hundreds on their friend lists too, so dont worry about offending them. If they are offended, they should email/text etc you like a proper friend.
As for being mocked about how many friends you have on facebook, thats silly. You probably have more friends in real life than the ones mocking you do. Be proud! You're very sensible.

- Kyle G - 02-21-2014 08:13 AM

To be honest with you... Face-To-Face friends can be more beneficial than Facebook friends and especially since you have a job and less time on your hands.. I say to hell with facebook nd who cares what ppl say about you.. If that's the case those ppl don't deserve a girl like u.. Facebook to me is an alternative.. And more or less simpler than face-to-face talk depending on how the person sees it

- Shybadbabygirl - 02-21-2014 08:25 AM

Don't worry girly his daddy probably has alor family or perv or has no life

- S - 02-21-2014 08:31 AM

Facebook is so lame...I can't believe people care about it so much....beyond pathetic....your generation sucks.