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How do I start a conversation with him on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I start a conversation with him on Facebook? - Racecarchick11 - 02-21-2014 12:07 PM

There's this cute guy that I'm friends with on Facebook. We've been facebook friends for almost two weeks. He and I met at a mutual friend's house. It was just the three of us there that time, but I'm shy so I didn't really say much. I made a facebook status about being sick of being lied to and he commented on it trying to be funny and it made me smile. Do I just say hey when I message him and see what he says? or what do I do? Please help! He's 23 and I'm 19 if that matters. thanks!
Oh, he and I have the same car too lol same color and everything, idk if I should mention something like that in my message or what?
Another thing is, I don't talk to the mutual friend as much as I did when I met this guy... So idk how to handle that either.

- Sarah - 02-21-2014 12:23 PM

whenever your both online just send like "Hey" or "Hey, how are you?", but if it took him a while to reply and didn't make any effort to keep the convo going then you do the same and don't force yourself, you may start the convo three times but after that if he didn't say "Hi" at all, then he's not really interested, and also you can suggest hanging out later with your other mutual friend and see what he says.

Best of luck.