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What causes a person to have less friends? - Printable Version

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What causes a person to have less friends? - mkt - 02-21-2014 12:28 PM

1. I have friends from high school and I have found many on Facebook, well, THEY found ME actually. But I see how many more of their Facebook friends are acquaintance's we BOTH had yet those have not searched me out. I have not sent any friend requests really. But that is not the ONLY cause.

2. My sisters wedding. I met many of my sisters friends/in-laws. Those I met friended my mother, but not me.

3. I am friendly, I joke, I smile a lot, I'm attractive. WHAT am I missing that causes people to be stand offish or not willing to make that step?
I will admit I often don't put myself out there, but I AM polite & friendly to others.

It's very confusing to me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it seems I've done it wrong my whole life.
I'm about to start a business & this worries me. What if I put clients off the way I do potential friends?

I'm married. Men do not hit on me. Which is fine f course but my husband says men look but I put on an "air" of unavailability. Could I do that with everyone? I'm not looking for men but it might explain the lack of friendships. I don't know how to STOP what is natural to me.
jac the hat - I cannot afford a counselor now as we are paying off some medical bills. I do see what you're saying and honestly, as I've gotten older it's been easier to pinpoint the issues.
I have a few good friends (all out of state), I don't mind a lot of acquaintances (as opposed to friends)

- jac the hat - 02-21-2014 12:38 PM

The average person has only three good friends the rest are acquaintances - Its probably a good idea for you to have a few sessions with a person centred counsellor so you can work out what your blocks are - if its just the information you want you're better off asking someone who is trained to be looking visually at you and your process and will be able to feed back more accurately - Some people give out heavily defended signals about personal protection and privacy but it could be just something you never learned You really do need the expert face to face on this one though (I am a retired person centred counsellor and cannot tell from printed words) We would be only firing ballparks at you. Sounds like you need specific insight.