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Poll: I want to talk to this girl but she's always with her friends? - Printable Version

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Poll: I want to talk to this girl but she's always with her friends? - Primo - 02-21-2014 12:41 PM

I've always want to talk or be friends with this really pretty girl. The only conversations we've had is saying "hi" to each other which isn't good enough because I want to actually get to know her and stuff. The problem is she's always with a group of friends anytime I see her and she's so busy talking to them (I don't hate her friends or anything I just like to talk to her when she's alone) and I tried to say hi to her on Facebook but she didn't respond. What should I do?

- Ashanti - 02-21-2014 12:54 PM

just talk to her then..

- dan - 02-21-2014 01:09 PM

sure thing

- Slim - 02-21-2014 01:22 PM

if you sent her a message, then wait for her to respond

- Melody - 02-21-2014 01:26 PM

Sounds like she wants to be protected by her friends because she doesn't want any guy friends, don't know. Pray and ask God for guidance. If it's not against God's will, then he will help you I think unless he's not speaking to you.

- 966 - 02-21-2014 01:39 PM

Yeah, girls run in herds and its hard to separate one from the herd without them all panicking and running down the savannah to escape. Or maybe that's zebras, I get the two mixed up. I don't suppose you could talk someone else into distracting her crowd of friends so you can talk with her for a while.

- 695 - 02-21-2014 01:44 PM

it's been a month and you're still there?

- RED <3 - 02-21-2014 01:47 PM

hmm I think you can assert yourself more. Have some confidence! Walk up and say hi and ask her to hang out for a movie and see what she says. remember be assertive Smile

- luna - 02-21-2014 02:01 PM

Best thing you can do is be patient and make sure to take any opportunity if you ever see her alone! She's walking to class? Run up and talk to her on her way. Find little ways to make your presence known. Come up with things you want to know about her and when you say "HI" to her, ask her a question before she leaves, that way she has to stop and answer in order not to be rude.

And if you still can't find an opportunity, sometimes you have to make your own! Get to know her friends a little (at least their names) and when you feel comfortable talking to her friends, then you can go and join them any time you want!

- CHΣЅHIΓΣ CΔƬ - 02-21-2014 02:13 PM

grow a pair and just talk to her