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I should be offended. Right? - Printable Version

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I should be offended. Right? - Zarina - 02-21-2014 08:29 PM

My Uncle is a staunch Republican. Fine. I'm a Democrat. He posted on his timeline (FB) that his wheel chair took a crapper and he needed all the help he can get. Turns out that I have an almost brand new wheel chair sitting in my garage. It's nice. I offered it to him and the only catch was how to get it to him. I suggested a chain. You know, I drive it two hours south, someone else picks it up and drives it two more, until it gets to him. He emailed me that he would never take charity from the likes of me. The likes of me? What are the likes of me? It's a brand new motorized wheelchair that is not being used. He asked for charity. My charity is not good enough? I'm pretty pissed. What is wrong with him?

- henrietta409 - 02-21-2014 08:37 PM

Ask him what he meant by that statement: the likes of you? YOu are doing him a favor, a huge one, and if insults are his thing, fine, he can do without.Someone else can benefit from your kindness.

- S.Lovely - 02-21-2014 08:41 PM

I don't know he's probably pissed because he's has to use a wheel chair... or maybe because you ruined this country. One of the two.

- llama thing - 02-21-2014 08:53 PM

If he is going to act like that then he doesn't deserve the wheelchair. I would be mad too. You should wait a little bit then call him and try to talk to him. You could also tell him it's a gift not charity.

- 1540 - 02-21-2014 08:59 PM

It has nothing to do with him being a republican, I know plenty of republicans who would be grateful for the offer. It is his personality, not his political affiliation. I am betting he would have that attitude whatever he chose to be. It bothers me that people connect bad behavior to the persons politics or religion or lack of religion. Being offended is a choice, not something you have to be. Personally I would probably have nothing to do with him but I would not make a display of it like he has. Let him solve his own problem and leave him to his misery.