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Why the timeline for everyone? For what? - Printable Version

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Why the timeline for everyone? For what? - Emily - 02-21-2014 08:53 PM

Hi. I just heard from my friend that everyone is automatically goin to have Timeline this week and no one can refuse it.
Did FB ever announce the reason why they do this to us?
As far as i know more than 50% of my friends are thinking of closing their accounts due to severe privacy issues Timeline has.
Isn't it simply a paradise for stalkers?

- Shubham Jain - 02-21-2014 09:06 PM

Its Newstyle of facebook

- abraXus - 02-21-2014 09:15 PM

your friends are misinformed.... it has all the same privacy features the old one has, plus a few more... it's no less private than the old one, people just dont know how to set it up properly, so they assume things cant be private...

read this

it shows you how to adjust your privacy settings in the timeline

- camelia - 02-21-2014 09:20 PM

They think what they do is cool and don't care about the community, they always ruin good things, It's just a new Facebook layout