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Why are black women so aggressive? - Printable Version

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Why are black women so aggressive? - Hoola - 02-21-2014 09:36 PM

They're always rude and pushy and blame all their problems on white people and bring up slavery all the f'n time- like why are you disrespecting me because of stuff that my ancestors did? And I can't understand half the stuff that comes out of their mouth. Maybe if they respected themselves and all people and didn't always act pissed off at the world, men would actually want to date them. I know all black women aren't like this. But most of them are. Why? Thanks.

- Hello - 02-21-2014 09:51 PM

Why do white girls go on social media and post, "I love God, he helped me become a better person." but then I see them in person and they are cursing and drinking and doing drugs. Some white girls are trying to be all tough and ghetto. No white girls are like this. And not all black woman are like that. It's just some people, there's annoying people in every race. Let's not put all our anger in a group of people. I know you said not all of them are like that, so find the ones who are not and ignore the ones who are like that. You can't lie some white girls are annoying too.

- Leeta - 02-21-2014 09:57 PM

Not sure. Daddy issues? Dysfunctional family issues? Upbringing? Something is going on to be a never ending cycle but some are strong and wise to break free of that ill behavior. I was born and raised in the ghetto but never turned out like them which would explain why I was hated on so often. I had both parents who loved me very much, a mother that was involved in my everyday life, a dad who is a great provider. But most importantly I have God in my life to guide me.

- Boss - 02-21-2014 10:03 PM

Black women are honest you can't handle black women walk on by.