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I am beginning to HATE all my fake friends? - Printable Version

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I am beginning to HATE all my fake friends? - Jackson - 02-22-2014 01:04 AM

I had just jumped in bed a minute ago, I decided to scroll through instagram and facebook. After a few seconds of scrolling down, I was overcome with rage. I could not put my finger on what had upset me so. But I soon realized that it was the fact that all I saw were lies. I have a serious fake friend problem. All my life, I have never had a friend for longer than a year. While we are friend they will say things like "Oh you are the coolest and most hardcore guy ever" then after school ends, or we don't see each other for awhile. They act like I am some sort of stranger if I ask if they want to hang out. I recently was expelled from my school do to complications. Now all my "friends" are talking shit about me and making up tales about why I was kicked out, saying that I dropped out and that I am an idiot, when most of those fuck ups have trouble stringing together proper sentences. I wish I had never met any of these people, Id rather have them all be enemy's than pretend to be my friend and spit shit behind my back. Then at least I would know who to shout "Fuck You" at. I know I am not some sort of anomaly. Others have gone through this kind of thing. I need those people to give me advice. I am seriously pissed right now, I was already having trouble bottling up all my anger for the school that unjustly expelled me. Now I feel like I am surrounded by fucking sleeper cells waiting to launch an attack when I am vulnerable. So yeah, I need tips. Should I just delete all of them off facebook and instagram? That would make me look like an introvert. But I might take that over walking bags of shit.
This may seem pathetic. But it does bother the fuck out of me when NONE of my posts get a like. But some shitty ass 16 year old whore gets 1000 likes for posting a picture of herself that has been basically photo shopped considering all the filters and shit used on it with the caption "I am ugly Sad". Call me a loser, but that is messed up. Its just a testament to how fake the people are around me. Still need those tips.
Thanks for your input, Danger. But I am afraid that does not sound at all like me. I don't act tough, I don't try to intimidate people, and I defiantly don't act like some "ladies man", I haven't had a girlfriend since the 5th grade. Partly because I can't be bothered to deal with all the bullshit that comes along with a high school relation ship.

- Danger - 02-22-2014 01:10 AM

Hear is an advice, I think that the problem is you. Why do i say this,because maybe you are trying to act tuff acting like your too cool and ladies man and your friends are just hanging with you because they are either scare of you. When they really get to know you they can see how not cool you are.What needs to happen is to start treating people with respect pay attention in class don't be an asshole and maybe people will treat you like a person a friend that you can be.