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FACEBOOK STOCK QUESTION!!!!!!! experience ppl only plz!? - Printable Version

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FACEBOOK STOCK QUESTION!!!!!!! experience ppl only plz!? - Jack - 02-22-2014 05:25 AM

ok as we all know facebook is going public....when Apple did this many years ago it made ppl millionaires. now im not suggesting the same will happen with facebook but will bring in some money.

my problem is....

im a regular day average joe. with only maybe a few Hundred to invest. but i hear this is not possible because its opening at such a huge amount of money. basically cutting threw the bullshit. i wanna invest in facebook. is there anyway i can profit from this and anyway possible for me a guy who doesn't make allot of money to invest in facebook when it opens and make money. because everyone is telling me that its impossible and im confused and angry because how did all those ppl make money off of apple back in the day if thats the case? i hope they are lying and someone out there can tell me a way i can invest and make money on facebook.

sorry for the confusion and bad writing but im just fustrated and worried i might miss this opportunity simply because i don't have allot of money at the moment.

- raysor - 02-22-2014 05:26 AM

Because you are an average Joe, no offence, it is impossible for you to make money from this IPO. Answer: Quit being an average Joe. That may not be possible because of your background, upbringing.
Learn about gearing, or leveraging as you Yanks call it. This is where you make a small amount go a lot further, punch above your weight.Learn about 'stagging'. Don't know what that's called in USA.
To become a non-average Joe you mustn't take note of what average Joes tell you. You have to think for yourself and find out the facts for yourself. It ain't easy, but no one said it was going to be.
I remember doing IPOs in the 70's (like Sainsbury's). You got a wad of cheque books and applied for shares in loads of different names, including Micky Mouse and your cat!. You then sold the shares you got and used the money to cover the cheques. Ok, so that isn't possible these days but I am sure there are ways. Also don't tell people, or act like, you are an average Joe. And don't tell them/act like like you only have 200 bucks. OK, don't go mad and say $200k but look like you have $20,000 to blow. Who is going to talk/do business with someone with $200, unless that's to buy breakfast. You Yanks are supposed to be teaching us Limeys!
I'd probably avoid Facebook: look for other less popular IPOs

- JoeyV - 02-22-2014 05:38 AM

Let's do some reality checking here:

1) Hyped IPO's do not always lead to great results. You remember AAPL (which was a highly hyped IPO) because AAPL has been so successful. However, there were plenty of other hyped IPO's whose stocks went nowhere (, eToys, Blackstone, etc..). Bought much stuff on eToys recently? Thinking that Facebook will be the next AAPL is ridiculous IMHO - FB is a media company that lives on advertising with no real product to sell. Advertising is just not that valuable. AAPL has tons of great products like iPhones, iPads, iTunes, etc.. Is there any evidence that advertising on FB is worth anything other than companies seem to pay for it.

2) You want to invest in FB but FB's financials are not out and the IPO is only tentatively, rumored priced. Nobody competent has yet made an opinion about whether FB is worth $75B - $100B because we don't even know if they make money. And yet you want to invest in them, because, uh, why? This is serious red flag that you want to buy something without knowing the most fyundamental things about it and without knowing its price. It means you shouldn't be investing at all but should have someone else do it for you.

3) You can invest in FB, probably even with a few hundred dollars - you just buy it in the open market after it starts trading. Unless Zuckerberg does something unusual (which is completely possible) you will not be able to get in on the IPO. On minute 1 of the first day, you can put in a "market buy" order and as long as you size your order appropriately, you will be filled.

4) Investing a few hundred dollars in a stock when you don't have a portfolio is completely stupid. Investing in a hyped IPO when you don't have a portfolio is even stupider. Really fundamental investing is that you don't get compensated for taking on security specific risk and FB has that in huge heaping gobs. You don't know what I am talking about because you have never read an investing book. Why would you do this if you don't know anything about it?

Just hold onto your money and invest in smart ways. Buy mutual funds - accumulate money smartly without gambling on things you know nothing about.

- ? - 02-22-2014 05:48 AM

Do you have a Trusted family member who has a discount Brokerage Account ,..and is that Brokerage house Participating on the float of Facebook..
Most Stocks start out in the Price Range of $20..