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my girlfriend flirts online and i love her to death, what do i do? - Printable Version

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my girlfriend flirts online and i love her to death, what do i do? - Cris - 02-22-2014 06:45 AM

I treat her like gold, don't cheat and never will. She has a profile on POF with NO pictures and old info and I got this message the other day from this guy telling me she messaged him asking to give head. At this point, we weren't together we were broken up. But he told me he could tell by the way she talked she was all talk no action, almost like she was scared or knew she was doing something wrong. He said they never met up and classified her as a harmless flirt, a flirtacious person. He said he thinks she may just have a fetish or fantasy of giving head. What I did find though, is she added this guy on facebook and another guy from POF just so they could see what she looked like. And the other thing is, shes friends with her ex on facebook and likes her timeline posts about phrases in life. This makes me think she misses her ex and they talk. Of course she denied being on POF and she said she doesn't miss her ex and her ex doesn't talk to her. (her ex has a girlfriend)
I still love her and wish I didn't have to give up on her. Shes gorgeous and can be so great some days. I think she may have a lying problem and doesn't know what shes doing because its an illness. What do I do?
Im scared one day she will maybe meet a person if we happen to be on a break. But I do believe deep down, shed never meet anyone in person if we were together. She always told me she doesn't think online things are cheating if its only talking, but she would never meet anyone if shes in a relationship.

- Sidley - 02-22-2014 06:57 AM

dude i know you love her with all of your heat but talk to her one more time and if you see that she is lying to you. then broke up with her then ok

- Bit - 02-22-2014 07:02 AM

i used to be a huge flirt. I always told my boyfriend it was harmless and that it wasnt cheating. He told me it was disrespectful and i had to choose between everyone elses attention or him. I chose him. Been together 5 years and i dont regret that decision. Looking back and self reflecting i realize that was my way of feeling good about myself. It is truley a reflection of low self esteem. If she still needs every other mans attention she still needs to grow and "Find herself". Until she realizes that your attention is enough you will always wonder about her. No one deserves to be treated like that. Sorry.

- KHCP. - 02-22-2014 07:13 AM

I don't agree with "Bit" on the attention seeking thing. She asked to give another guy head. That is not asking for attention, that is flat out cheating in my book. I say leave or ask her to change her ways.