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i get anxious because i rely on my laptop and im scared of anything going wrong with it, can anyone understand? - Printable Version

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i get anxious because i rely on my laptop and im scared of anything going wrong with it, can anyone understand? - the mists of time ☠ - 02-22-2014 08:54 AM

i live alone, im 36 years old, suffer mental health problems, im lonely, i have no social relationships because ive never achieved any....i just have my mum whom im close to.

i rely so much on my laptop, its a windows 7 laptop that i got july 2012...ive backed up one portion of my media onto an external laptop harddrive.....but still have a fair bit of media on my c drive not backed up.......i use my laptop to listen to youtube communicate to the world through yahoo answers etc.

in my lonely flat my laptop is a great help to me and my main material possession as i dont own very many material scared of anything going wrong with my laptop and being without it for a period of time ? having to do without it ? my flat without my laptop the loneliness and silence would be a killer.

and electronic things are very delicate and im just scared of anything going wrong with my laptop and having to be without it for a period of time ....or losing anything precious for good.

is anyone the same or feel similar ?

- DrNoSxg - 02-22-2014 09:01 AM

Eventually something will go wrong with (not to scare you) so backing up is a good idea. I know how you feel but my best advice for you is to go out and enjoy yourself. You don't need other people to make you happy, go for a walk along a beach or cycle into town and get a coffee or something just to get away from here and into the world.

- Jan - 02-22-2014 09:03 AM

If you're so scared of it, always make sure you have a backup!
I'm not just talking about backing up your data on a separate hard drive, I'm actually talking about a 2nd computer. Even if it's "just" a raspberry pi, or a tablet, ...
I can guarantee you one thing, that's that one day your laptop will not be there to comfort your loneliness. It will fail, be stolen, forgotten by someone else, ... whatever the reason, one day it won't be there.

Even if you have a very cheap 2nd computer, at least you'll be able to listen to Youtube or online radio, your music collection, chat and browse the web.

Always have a plan B, and if you can afford it, why not even a plan C?

- ProfGene.Togolot - 02-22-2014 09:11 AM

As long as you don't drop it or hurt it physically it should last indefinitely. Things like the hard drive can be replaced. You can buy a new hard drive at an electronic store or Online. I have a laptop with Windows 3.1 on it a 486 from the mid nineties and it still works. I no longer use it but that shows you they last. And they have gotten pretty cheap so you could replace it if it completely went bad but that s highly unlikely to happen. You might check out Paltalk Voice text chat which has rooms on many subjects and connects to thousands of people all over the world. I often chat in the Social Issues Human Rights rooms but there are many other rooms on all subjects.

- Magsi1949 - 02-22-2014 09:26 AM

I'm even worse than you in many ways, as I am disabled and cant even walk very far can I? Most of the winter I am housebound so my computer is MY LINK with the outside world. Do you remember that I told you once that I was without my computer for a whole month, because Talk Talk just wouldnt listen to me or DO anything about it. They eventually did send me a new part, but they still charged me for the full month that I couldnt get online, although I protested strongly about it. It was hell, and very boring, and lonely, and COST me a lot in unearned income, as I take many surveys most days a lot of which I get paid for!! I spend up to 7 or 8 hours on this Desktop every day, as I cant even stand for long, as I am unable to do most other things that most people take for granted. Even typing this is hurting my hands, because of the arthritis in my neck pressing on the nerves. I HAVE been to Frenchay hospital in Bristol to see a Specialist about it, but he said they would be afraid to touch it, as they cant tell EXACTLY which nerve is affected, and they COULD end up paralysing me from the neck down, so I have HAD to trudge on as I am and realise that eventually I wont even be able to do this!! How frightening is that? At least you CAN get outside with your dog if necessary to have a wak etc,, but with my various health issues, of which you are well aware, I CANT even do that if I am feeling too unwell, and although I have a Mobility Scooter, I stll cant go out alone, as I CANT get the scooter out of the boot of the car, and I CANT assemble it either on my own, as it would mean bending over further than I am able to do. I know that it is difficult for you to go out because of you mental problems, but if you did a little bit every single day, then it would get easier and easier, as time went on. There is NOTHING that I can DO about my health problems that havent been tried already, so I really DONT have any kind of choice about being housebound a lot of the time. Yes, in all honesty you computer WILL break down at some time, or encounter problems of one sort or another, but this happens to ALL mechanical/electrical/working things, and thats also a reason that you NEED to start working on getting out EVERY DAY no matter how hard it is for you to do. Otherwise, if and when your computer has a blip, you are going to be stuck indoors, on your own, and with NOTHING to do. I KNOW that isnt a nice thought, and I am really NOT trying to frighten you, but IF you start making a move to leaving your flat at some time, at least once per day, EVERY single day (unless the weather is too diabolical, of course) of your life, then if and when somethign happens to your Lptop then it WONT be quite so desperate for you will it? Can you understand what I am trying to tell you, and that what I am saying IS in your very best interests? I hope so, and I hope that you can start getting out more very soon, as without that change in your life, this hermit like life that you lead in your isolated flat, is just going to get worse and worse over time. Can you understad what I am saying and why? I sincerely HOPE tha you do and that you CAN start doing something about changing things permanently for the future. A 35 year old man SHOULDNT be shut up indoors on his own for 24 hours per day should he? Thats NOT even a normal way to live, but the answer to this IS in your own hands, but you NEED to DO something about it NOW, before it starts getting even worse for you. Wishing you all the best, and I will pray that you get the help that you so desperately need. Please speak to God about it, as HE has got the power to help you, whereas I CANT, especially as I am so far away from you in Somerset!!