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How could she hurt my feelings so much? - Printable Version

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How could she hurt my feelings so much? - Eden - 02-22-2014 01:20 PM

I really liked this girl alot and wrote her letters, songs,bought her presents and stuffs but she just didnt love me back...which she told me right after i told her i was interested

But the thing is I felt so attached to her, and it was really hard for me to detach so i kept pursuing hoping she'll change her mind but she woudlnt

Im new to this dating life, though im 18 and i really didnt know how to go about expressing my feelings to her so i really screwed up and completely creeped her out.....which i apologized later and she accepted my aplogy

I loved her so much. Until I met her, i hadnt had such feelings like that before and i even told her that.

We're both in our senior year in high school, live in the same building, and we see each other pretty much everyday, we share an english class together

But now she's told everybody in the school all i did for her...including the letter, me buying her gifts and how i wanted her to me my gf...blah blah blah

I feel so bad because im a very self-conscious person and things were starting to get better for me this school year but now i'm gonna have to endure mockery from all the folks in the school and its gonna hurt me very badly.

Its even a worse feeling because I loved could she hurt me so badly???After all I've done for her and its not that i hurt her the one thats been hurt and the best she could do was to embarass me like this???

I feel so guilty, down, embarrased, ashamed, and downcasted........Im just at shock.

I wasnt in control of my feelings....they took over me and completely killed me. Now i feel like a fool for loving someone......

Even worse...she posted this on her facebook 2 days ago

You should've known by now not to catch feelings Smile

REALLY????Are most girls like that or just one in a million because im a newbie to all these and havent had a gf before.It really hurts.....
2 mins ago
Even worse...she posted this on her facebook 2 days ago

You should've known by now not to catch feelings Smile

REALLY????Are most girls like that or just one in a million because im a newbie to all these and havent had a gf before.It really hurts.....

- True_Cinema - 02-22-2014 01:34 PM

leave me give you one quote "if its not meant to be it was over before it started"

- MzCalypso - 02-22-2014 01:37 PM

YOU CANNOT BUY LOVE. You tried, and you learned that it really doesn't work that way. You also learned that it's best to find out whether a person is even interested before your allow your infatuation to make a fool of yourself.

You can't 'catch' feelings. They come from inside.

SHE TOLD YOU SHE WAS NOT INTERESTED. Next time someone tells you she's not interested, BELIEVE HER.

That's a difficult lesson, but everyone has to learn it. Next time, you may pay attention to what a girl tells you instead of assuming that if you pester her long enough, you can buy her affection.

It just doesn't work that way. Any love you can buy isn't worth having ... unless you adopt a dog. But that's not the same thing at all.

- ashley - 02-22-2014 01:41 PM

I'm a girl and well I know how it when feels when you can't have someone you want. I just get over it and like a different guy.She is not worth your time. This girl knew how much you liked her and decided to turn you down. But she can't be all that, y'know why because first that is just cold hearted. I would appreciate any guy doing that for me! Big Grin I wish, she's lucky.Trust me not all girls are like this only the ones who are all up themselves you know think there all that and are irresistible. Find a new me things will get better Smile

- Monique - 02-22-2014 01:44 PM

I'm so sorry that happened to you. Something very similar happened to me with a girl. If you ever want to talk, you can email me or kik me. I'll listen to you. Smile my email is and my kik is Reddragon97blue. I also have a facebook. Smile Keep your head up hun.