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Why did my sister stand up for me when she has made it very clear that she hates me? - Printable Version

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Why did my sister stand up for me when she has made it very clear that she hates me? - Rachel - 02-22-2014 01:32 PM

I'm 16 and my sister is 18. We used to be so so close just a few months ago, and I look up to her. She's such an amazing, funny, caring person and I want to be just like her. We also used to have the best time together and would laugh about everything. She was the only person I was willing to vent to when I dealt with a really bad episode of depression and self harm and my eating disorder relapse (all around last semester). We got into a little fight in February because of something stupid I said about how she's treating her boyfriend. Now that I think about it, I was being a real jerk. I apologized and we stopped fighting, but ever since then nothing's been the same. She took this freshman in our theatre class "under her wing" and it's really hurting me. They tweet at each other things like "I love you big sissy!" and "I have the best little sis ever." And the other day there was this thing on twitter about wearing yellow for self harm awareness, and my sister tweeted, "wearing yellow today to support my little sissy, hannah!" (the freshman girl). And that hurt me more than anything else.

Anyways, today my sister, my best friend, my sister's boyfriend, and I were at Starbucks after school. My sister wasn't really making any conversation with me, which she hasn't really done since our fight. And then this b!tch from my school came up to us and said to me, "How's your little eating disorder going? Probably not very successful, because you've gained, like, a million pounds; I can tell from a mile away!" My sister lunged across the table at her and punched her in the face and screamed, "What the f*ck us your problem?"

We ran out after that, not wanting to get kicked out. But she still won't talk to me. I don't know, it just seems a little weird that she would stand up for me now when she hasn't done it before in the past two months. Any thoughts?

- K.M - 02-22-2014 01:45 PM

Your sister loves you. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't. all you need to do is tell her how you feel. If you're too sy text her. Hope it works out.

- Cindy - 02-22-2014 02:01 PM

Your sister loves you. Just talk to her and explain to her how you feel and trust me it will make you feel better after you get it off your chest. I told my dad today, who left when I was about 10, which i was ok with, that the best memories of my childhood i have was with him. he is old now and if i hadnt done that and he died without me telling him I would regret it the rest of my life. Maybe your sister is waiting for an apology. I cant tell you what she feels but something could be bothering her also. Just go to her and tell her you miss the closeness that you once had and spill your guts. Wink I hope it helps.

- Jada - 02-22-2014 02:14 PM

Your sister may be still mad by what you said but at the end of the day she still loves you! ! You are her REAL sister. And even though she may still be bad at you. She would never let her baby sis get talked about by sum bit***. Any big sister would do the same thing your sister did. She really loves you to stick up for you like that. And thats all you need to know.

- Hannah Swiney - 02-22-2014 02:27 PM

When you have a sibling that you are not on very good terms, it seems like you won't be on good terms at all. But when you have family, you have to stand up for them, because if somebody insults your family, which is part of you, they are insulting part of you. Or it could be that your sister knows what is right and she knows that it's obviously not true. Family sticks up for family.

- 318 - 02-22-2014 02:31 PM

Any thoughts? Yes, blood is thicker than water. She took your side, go apologize to her and tell her your sorry for the way you acted with her. Life's too short to be fighting and holding grudges.

- jimrich - 02-22-2014 02:42 PM

You want us to believe that things were always so good between you and your older sister but if it were true, a little "fight" would not make your relationship so bad now so, it's my guess that things have never been all that good between you and it's gotten worse in recent years.
Generally, kids happily get along and do not develop animosity and JEALOUSY when they have good, adequate and correct parenting - which is very rare, IMO.
Bad and inadequate parenting generally allows or causes the oldest kid to resent the next kid even though the oldest on knows that their parents, not the new kid, are hurting them (the oldest kid) but, since the oldest kid does not dare confront their own beloved and NEEDED parents, they turn their RAGE onto an easier and safer target - the new baby (you) who has never hurt them in any way! So your sister has most likely HATED you since the day your were born and INVADED her perfect life.
On the other hand, you most likely loved and respected your older sister all along because you've never had a reason to fear or hate her even though you may have fought back with her but never realizing that she absolutely hates your guts just for you being BORN!
If she stood up to the other girl's verbal abuse it was most likely because it has always been her DUTY, as the oldest kid, to defend and protect what is hers. She didn't do it for you. She did it as part of what is expected of the oldest child. SHE DID IT FOR HER PARENTS - NOT YOU!