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Will the next Republican president be an asset stripper? - Printable Version

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Will the next Republican president be an asset stripper? - Zhu Bajie - 02-22-2014 02:02 PM

What assets will he strip? Sell Alaska to Russia? Hawai'i to Japan? Virgin Islands to China? The Social Security fund will disappear, of course. Will SS itself turn into a stock market scam, as Bush II wanted?

More wars for profit, of course. Remember how control of the Iraqi oil fields paid for the Iraq War? And Jesus might still Return.

- Chris - 02-22-2014 02:06 PM

i dont think there will be a republican for a democrat will be elected again in 2016 and reelected in 2220

- NONAME - 02-22-2014 02:10 PM

Romney promised hundreds of new warships, a huge border fence staffed with thousands of federal employees, huge tax cuts, regime change in Iran, a hike in defense spending,

- rafferty - 02-22-2014 02:23 PM

The next republican president Is a young (white) man in college right now.

And by the time he is electable, the republican party won't look like it does now.

- Mjǫlnir - 02-22-2014 02:26 PM

Your belief defies logic and rationality. Not sure what it is based upon, but it is most definitely not based upon reality.

It is funny that you believe in the fictitious "social security fund", which is basically a bunch of IOUs that us taxpayers have to make good. Oh, and those are already disappearing because Social Security has more outlays than revenue, thanks to the Democrat jobless economy.

As for you even funnier (and stupider) claims about Bush's proposal to change SS, don't you realize that your DNC propagandists are touting how high the stock market has been recently? Also, if you were a economically literate person, you would know that if the money you and your employer paid into the scam had been invested into a market index fund, several things would have happened: 1) a better return on your money - you'd have more money to retire on; 2) a better return even counting in all the recessions; 3) ownership of the money, so that when you die, it can be passed on to the family.

You certainly know the talking points you were given, but you don't actually know what you're talking about.

As for "wars for profit" that is a phrase that only a true idiot would utter and believe to be true. The assumption going into Iraq is that they could pay off the costs using Iraqi oil. The problem was that the infrastructure of the country had been so neglected by Saddam that Iraq needed all that money to undo the wreckage that Saddam caused.

People who know understand that plans never survive intact their first contact with reality. Liberals like you do not seem to understand this basic truth.

- Joe W - 02-22-2014 02:28 PM

another liberal person from Canada.This is not your country!

- Who am I - 02-22-2014 02:42 PM


- Adamismyname - 02-22-2014 02:57 PM

No he will be a new kind of Republican.

- Mercadies2000 - 02-22-2014 03:13 PM

Or give Egypt a whole fleet of fighter jets and enough money to pull them out of debt only to have them turn around and hate us? Or give Syria millions upon millions only to turn around and have them turn on us and we want to go to war with them but a country we are at odds of bails us out? These are just a couple example. Clinton sold America to China back in his day so it will be China who will sell us, not the republicans.