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how to slow down internet? - Printable Version

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how to slow down internet? - john - 02-22-2014 02:08 PM

I am living with the worst sister in the world,

she plays her stupid WoW (World of warcraft) game and always sleep at 11 am till like 7 pm

but during that time she plays with her dumb WoW guy friends where they try to woo her and make her laugh

and she does this the whole day and nothing else, she prolly never saw the daylight.

this has been going on for 5 months and at first, i asked her nicely to be quiet but i always hear the same laughs and shiet at 3 am and its gotten to the point where I tell her to shut the F up every night.

She's 30

im 21 going to college as a Mech Engineer and I'm always at school the whole day and can't get some peace and quiet when im home. and because of her, I can't even workout in the morning because im always half awake when im in bed.

If i disconnect the internet, she barges into my room (where the router is located) and tries to fix it.
If the internet miraculously decides to stop functioning, she calls the internet company.

My last semester of school is coming up and i want this semester to be the best for me.

I can live with a slow connection since i dont play any games.

What are ways to slow down the internet to drive my sister crazy or ultimately, quit her gaming addiction?

Any physical ways to slow down the internet or any programs that can slow down the router is much appreciated
please no viruses

Thank you!

- Mahmoud - 02-22-2014 02:09 PM

You can search for CP Proxy on google . Run it and it will slow down the conncection.
Hope that helps

- Adrian - 02-22-2014 02:15 PM

WoW does not use a lot of bandwidth, so slowing it down may not make that much difference to her game play. No matter what you do, she will probably blame you anyway, for any game performance issues.
Best to change bedrooms, get farther away from her when playing games.

The only real way to slow things down, is to call your service provider, and buy the cheapest package they have (which should be the slowest). Be careful not to get anything with a low usage cap, that would affect you too...

- Ayden - 02-22-2014 02:24 PM

I found that with SpeedTest, when uploading, I could make the games of my brother crash Smile
Try to uploading files on any file hosting, till she gets angry ans stop playing.

If it does not work, get ear plug to sleep like a baby.

- 648 - 02-22-2014 02:32 PM

There are programs like NetLimiter you can install on her computer, but she can probably get around them rather easily. You can run QoS on your router if it supports it and set her traffic to a low priority, but if nobody else is using it she would still get the full speed.

Any solution you end up with is either going to get bypassed or just make her angry at you. Since it sounds like the problem is mainly the noise, you might be able to get your parents to step in if you want to, or the best solution might be to take apart the walls and add soundproof insulation, or move to a different room, or use something like headphones with white noise to block it out.

Technology can't cure assholes, just look what happened when social media became a widespread thing.