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Facebook Chat girl help 10. Pt best answer? - Printable Version

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Facebook Chat girl help 10. Pt best answer? - Steve - 02-22-2014 02:39 PM

I'm on school holidays I'm in year 9. I have classes with her

There's this girl I like and I talked to her on Facebook at 11pm it went like this I my friend actually sent this (hey x)

Hey x
😮err sorry I left my phone at my friends for a few days!! I am so sorry about that!! At least it's only one message

Haha it's ok

Ok I'm just not so sure what "x" meant I just thought it meant kiss or something and I was like aaaahhh

😊 ( it's a smily face)

I'm kinda dumb with that kinda stuff

Yeah me too

(She went offline for 30secs)

Hm, I have to go sorry going to bed

Ok bye

That's the end, how do I pick it up again today? It's 4:20 pm the day after the convo

She did go offline for the rest of the night after saying she had to go to bed

I am quite shy about relationships I have never had a girlfriend

I sent her a message (hi Smile ) yesterday she came online and read it then went offline, what do I do from now?

- Joshua - 02-22-2014 02:40 PM

Listen I'm not expert with girls either but I know enough to know that Facebook is not the way, you will say stuff that you wouldn't normally say and it gives her a different feel to your personality so I know this doesn't answer you but you need to talk to her in person, js :/

- Natalie - 02-22-2014 02:44 PM

Just say hey and ask her how her day has been or what she did today. If she doesn't answer she might be shy or something Smile

Good luck and I hope this helps!

- evol - 02-22-2014 02:55 PM

iv'e had alot of experience with women, i remember what it's like to be a teenager unsure of yourself but my only advice to you is if she lives close to you, just txt her sometime and say "shot in the dark, would you like to go see a movie with me sometime?" but if this is one of those internet relationships man my only advice to you is find a girl close by, there are plenty of them out there.