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I'm getting bullied on Facebook? - Printable Version

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I'm getting bullied on Facebook? - AskingAlexandriafan - 02-22-2014 04:15 PM

All I did was ask her why she was red in her picture. She replied with a comment saying "BECAUSE THATS HOW I FUCKING LOOK THANKS." Then her friend responded with a comment saying "Because shes sexcy and your ugliee." I didn't know it was an offensive question at all. After I said it hurt my feelings, she responded with a comment saying, "OK you hurt mine, asshole." Then I asked her what I said wrong, and she took a screenshot, and posted it on my timeline and said "That's what you said." (The question asking her why she is red.) Then to make things even worse, she made rude comments on my pictures like "why are you so ugly?", then went to another one of my profile pictures and said I'm ugly and made rude comments. I messaged her saying I was sorry, and I didn't know she found that question offensive. I also told her she should have messaged me instead of publicly harassing me. She still said that its my fault and etc. I feel terrible because I'm sensitive and feel really sensitive about the way I look, and I overall feel like I don't have friends. What should I do about the situation, and what should I do to make myself feel better? I'm so upset. I'm sitting in my dark quiet room in a blanket trying to feel better.
I also feel terrible because I felt like I hurt her feelings and I felt like I hurt her

- Charlie - 02-22-2014 04:28 PM

1. Either report or block the people.
2. Stop having facebook arguments and get a fucking life.

- Richard - 02-22-2014 04:35 PM

Facebook can be ignored. Just stay off of it and that will end the bullying.

- Jay - 02-22-2014 04:50 PM

There is a block button on facebook i suggest you use it theres no way you can be "cyber bullied" block that cunt and tell her she is a cunt to then block her

- Carrieboo - 02-22-2014 04:57 PM

I'd just delete all of her childish comments, delete her and her friend off facebook and forget about it. She's obviously very over sensitive and a very rude and immature person. Don't listen to her stupid comments, she took offence to something inoffensive and then purposely offended you, silly girl!

- Sunsterbay - 02-22-2014 05:04 PM

You've got to be kidding me. What are you? Five. Unplug the damn thing. (or at least block her)

- Ryan - 02-22-2014 05:12 PM

i know that feel bro and im sorry and personally i dont see it as an offensive question and she should understand it could have been a legit question try messaging her again explaining about how you didnt mean to hurt her feelings and if she continues do some research in your local area about reporting a cyber bully or if you want a quick solution just block her and her friend but know that it might escalate to real life and when this blows over try to gain some confidence by taking up a sport or another activity that has people your age thats something that helped me a bit and try to find a friend in those activities but from there its just learn as you go im sorry i may have not been help but i hope all goes well for you and good luck and happy new yeaar

- T.M - 02-22-2014 05:13 PM

Seems to me she's a jerk. You can't allow someone elses ignorance to affect how you feel about yourself. Hiding in a dark room is only making things worse. I can assure you that she's moving on with her life and you need to do the same. Delete her and the comments from Facebook. You already apologized so there is nothing else for you to do. She only made those comments to get at you. Ignore her and find your self esteem.

- Samantha - 02-22-2014 05:24 PM

Hiya!! Smile

She and her friend are evil, nasty and immature pathetic people is the answer to your question sweetie

Their behaviour is quite disgusting. Yep, they are bullies.

What horrid girls!

Just drop contact with them! Stop talking to them and end your association with them. Listen, THEY are not your friends. Who would want such horrid people as their friends?

You can do so much better. You DESERVE better.

Don't be upset! You are lovely, great and wonderful Smile You just can't see it.

Ok it was a bit silly what you said and you should just learn from it that sometimes what you think you have to keep to yourself and not say it. Think first, is this ok to say - could it come across wrong? Chew on things for a few seconds before you say it.

But nevertheless, we have to make the mistake once in order to learn! Their reaction is not just an OVER reaction it is just downright nasty and malicious. I think you should be GLAD you now know who these girls really are - bullies.

Find some sweet, lovely people to be friends with, who will make you happy with yourself. Who will be loyal and caring. I know it is very hard to find friends, (true friends), but believe me, if you have one true, solid friend who is always there for you, loves you and believes in you, you're blessed. And that one friend is all you need. Too many is no good, either. They become hollow and meaningless friendships.

Take this as an opportunity to decide what kind of friends you REALLY want - and need.

Don't feel sad, or insecure. You have a good heart. And don't feel alone ever. You are never alone ever , because God is always with you.

PS go to the right places to try to make a nice new friend.

Above all be happy and trust that everything will be fine because you're a good person and God is with you always.

- Katie - 02-22-2014 05:26 PM

Okay let me start off by saying that you did nothing wrong so don't take this out on yourself. If the bullying is really bothering you, you can report it. Where I live, you can get in a LOT of trouble for bullying. Its not that big of a deal though. She probably got offended by what you said though. Maybe that was something about herself that she was a bit insecure about. She's just making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. She's probably just trying to get attention. If she's really bothering you on Facebook though, you can block her and ignore her. Haters gonna hate and I'm sure you're beautiful life listen to what she says.