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girls, would you be okay with your boyfriend adding other girls on facebook? - Printable Version

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girls, would you be okay with your boyfriend adding other girls on facebook? - Journeystep - 02-22-2014 07:05 PM

Like sending them requests, but not talking to them? Would you be okay with that or am I over reacting. It hurts me when my boyfriend does that but I don't wanna say anything because I've asked him to stop a lot of times...

- Allie - 02-22-2014 07:15 PM

Sure! It doesnt hurt anyone to have "friends" on facebook. Just make sure he doesnt take it to far.

- Melanie - 02-22-2014 07:32 PM

If he knows them it's not weird at all but if he is just adding random strangers I would be annoyed as well

- Horrid B - 02-22-2014 07:47 PM

Normally, I would say its ok for your boyfriend to add other girls. He is entitled to female friendships. But, if youve talked to him about it bothering you, and he still does it, I would call that a red flag. Talk to him about it one more time. Make sure you think through what youre going to say and why. Keep it casual, dont get emotional and worked up. Calmly explain your opinion, and if you both cant come to a comprimise, Id consider leaving that relationship. He should respect you and your feelings.

- Keerstin - 02-22-2014 07:49 PM

I think you're definitely overreacting. Don't you have any "boy" friends? Unless you notice suspicious activity, it's fine that he adds other girls. Half the people I used to add on Facebook hated my guts and I hated them back.

- 977 - 02-22-2014 07:55 PM

Well, if he's friends with other girl's, that's nothing to be worried about. He's allowed to hang out with whoever he wants, and just because he talks to girls other than you, doesn't mean he's cheating, or doesn't like you, or anything. It just means he enjoys their company. Honestly? Facebook is so much more trouble than it's worth, for reasons such as this. I'd consider getting on less, and putting less stock by it. What does it matter who a website says he's friends with? You know who his real friends are, and who he really likes. And you also know that you're important to him.