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Why do 90's kids put down EARLY 2000's kids? - Printable Version

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Why do 90's kids put down EARLY 2000's kids? - Madelyn - 02-22-2014 09:25 PM

And noticed I said EARLY 2000's because I was born in the nineties and I sure as hell remember watching 90's shows and played outside EVERYDAY because growing up I there really wasn't any technology growing up like it is now, iPhone, Facebook. I actually watched NEW episodes of cartoons and TV shows that came out in the 90's because they began in the nineties and ended in the mid 2000's. Y'all nineties kids need to stop bashing the EARLY 2000's kids because I played with most toys that came out in the nineties. Now I could see if I was born in the 2000's or even mid 2000's. Then I wouldn't remember a damb thing. Just leave us alone.
What do you guys think???
Also I remember playing with gerbils, tamagotchis, jacks, jump ropes, checkers, cards, and old fashioned hand held video games.
@jes a guy, what you mean??

- JesAguy - 02-22-2014 09:32 PM

If one age group of kids bad mouthing another age group of kids is the most fervent issue you can find, your life is good.

- Christine - 02-22-2014 09:41 PM

It's a superiority thing. Most people think THEIR age group was the best, and resent the little sh**s that followed. Many people bash the generation that comes after them. 80's kids bash 90's kids. 90's kids bash 2000's kids. Someday, 2020's kids will be bashing 2010's kids. It's the way the world works. I was an 80's kid and a 90's adolescent, and I strongly dislike a lot of the kids who were born in the late 90's and 2000's. I'm sure there are people who grew up in the 70's and hate my generation, lol.