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Is this girl assuming that I have no friends or something...? - Printable Version

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Is this girl assuming that I have no friends or something...? - =) - 02-22-2014 10:27 PM

Now the thing is, I'm not the type of person to constantly post stuff on social media/instagram. I know a lot of people at my college, it's just that this semester I've been really busy with school work so I haven't been hanging out with many people.
I've known this girl ever since last year. Whenever she has a problem in her life, she comes and talks to me. The thing is, she focuses more on the social life in college rather than the academic life. So she knows SO MANY PEOPLE and she always tells me about the drama she goes through, and on Twitter she's always showing out and trying to post funny tweets. She doesn't post that many pictures on instagram. Sometimes I feel as though she uses me though...
So in November there was a party coming up that I was going to. I even told her I was going. A few hours before the party she told me "I would go with you". And I'm like "oh okay, I'm going with a couple of my friends, you can come". And she's like "oh wait I thought you weren't going with anyone, I thought it was just going to be us". I was like "huh" but I didn't think too much about it...
And then on the last day before winter break, a couple of my dance friends had asked me to go to the dining hall with them. The girl had called me asking if I left yet and I said no, but I'm about to go to the dining hall. She says "aw I would go with you but I have no more swipes left, sorry you have to go alone." And I said "wait no, I'm going with a couple of my dance buddies".

How come she keeps assuming that I'm alone? I don't talk about my life as much with her, just because 1. that's the type of person I am 2. sometimes when I do she just cuts me off.... I'm not mad at her or anything, just kinda annoyed.

- Jack - 02-22-2014 10:42 PM


- Woofy - 02-22-2014 10:58 PM

If you want to keep this friendship at any level, you probably should have a talk with her, and ask her, straight out, friendly though. 'I know I seem to be available to you and like I have no other life, but i guess you may as well know, I have friends, dance friends and such, and you don't have to feel sorry for me. Why do you do that? Put her on the spot. She cuts you off, she doesn't see you.
Make sure it's just you and her, and then she will look around in the future and notice that you are not a shallow block of wood that drops out of the sky available to her whims and her using you.
By the way being offended, is anger,; and it will be all gone once you deal with what ails you as soon as you can because it festers and erupts later, guaranteed.