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how to delete the timeline on FB?!? - Printable Version

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how to delete the timeline on FB?!? - apriljpg - 02-23-2014 01:20 AM

HOW DO YOU DELETE IT!??! I have been searching all night. I have seen people post on the timeline wall asking "how do you delete it" and I go to their profile and they dont have it so I know it can be deleted. Also a friend of mine deleted hers and shes not online for me to ask. I hate it and want it gone. PLEASE let me know how to remove it. thank you so much!
i really dont believe they are going to make it permanent. They changed the format of FB about 8 months ago and everybody hated it and they insisted it was going to stay and yet it didnt. They eventually decided not to because nobody wanted it... i feel like thats going to happen again..

- Jordan R - 02-23-2014 01:25 AM

You can't deleted it, timeline is going to become te new profile and veryone will be forced to upgrade eventually. I know it's horrible but eventually you will adapt to it. I myself regret upgrading because I liked the simplicity of the former profiles.

- abraXus - 02-23-2014 01:33 AM

there is no way to get rid of it - everyone is being converted to the timeline - it's the new look for facebook

here's how to set it up

- Rom Cartridge - 02-23-2014 01:40 AM

Although for the moment Facebook did not make a clear statement in any of its official pages about how the upgrade would be deployed, and as a consequence there is a lot of false information going around, experienced users know that Facebook upgrades of this size have never been optional.

Besides, there are clear evidences that indicate that there will be no way to go back to the old Profile. Take a look at the article in the source to see what those evidences are.