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My boyfriend put on his facebook he like's boss girl's? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend put on his facebook he like's boss girl's? - Emma - 02-23-2014 01:58 AM

And he think's it okay to like that because it's just facebook, am I over reacting when I see that he's liked pictures of girls at the gym only wearing underwear or sometimes it's how do you put it umm the woman don't have much on.And I told him it's not okay to like pictures like that, I feel like and idiot.When I put pictures of myself up it takes him awhile to like them, and I feel gutted, and he just doesn't understand, because he said to me it's only one off and it's only a picture, plus oh he said it's only facebook. And he love's me, but now I'm thinking if he really wanted to be with me, it wouldn't of happen, you know I feel so gutted, like at first when I saw his photo on the dating site, I was thinking oh out of all the woman out there why would he choice me, meaning he's pretty good looking, I have asked him this why you wanna be with me for, and he's never really been able to answer my question, just he said I like him from the heart, what's that mean't to mean? Right now he's driving me nut's, it's been drama mosts of the time, like watching a soap on t.v.I feel like dumping him but for some reason I just can't, it's like he's annoyed me so much that now I can't stop thinking about him,so if I keep on thinking about someone how can I dump them because it's to hard, also I'm trying to make it work just I don't weather he's just thick or somethink, first I can remember him saying I can get any girl I want, those girls are pretty, haha.I don't know what to think anymore, if you were with a guy like this what I just said what would you do?

- 365 - 02-23-2014 02:09 AM

You should tell your boyfriend you dont like him saying such things on Facebook.