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How do you move the notifications back to the left side of Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do you move the notifications back to the left side of Facebook? - bj - 02-23-2014 04:03 AM

Recently, Facebook moved the Friend Request, Messaging, and Notification icons to the right side of the blue bar at the top of the page. Because of this, the notifications are now becoming somewhat unreadable do to the fact that they are kind of squished up against the side of the page. Can anyone tell me how to move those icons back to the left side?

- Ali Shan - 02-23-2014 04:14 AM

You can not do that.

- Mary - 02-23-2014 04:18 AM

Hi BJ ...Unfortunately, with the roll out of the new Facebook Graph, the icons for the Friend Request, Messaging, and Notifications are now on the right side of the page and cannot be moved elsewhere. But, this shouldn't cause these icons to be squished up. If you are on your PC computer, try increasing the size of your screen by holding down the CTRL and the "+" keys together. This will make whatever appears on your screen larger.

If you are using Facebook for your business or looking for specific people, you will learn to love the Graph Search feature. It makes it super easy to connect to your ideal clients, old friends, potential employers, etc.

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