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Does he really like me or is he a player? - Printable Version

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Does he really like me or is he a player? - girl - 02-23-2014 04:20 AM

I've been texting this guy since October, and we text a lot- like everyday, but I am the one that always/usually texts him first. Sometimes he takes seconds to reply sometimes a couple hours. Anyways, he flirts A LOT over text, and he always tells me I'm sexy or beautiful and stuff. But, we have only hung out ONCE in person. when we hung out that one time, he told me he wanted to kiss me already, and he always texts me and asks "would you ever want to go really far with me?" and i always say "no, i need to know you better." but he still keeps asking and always talks about making out with me and sex. he always tells me he really wants to be official and go out with me and that he really likes me. however, whenever we make plans HE always cancels and says he's busy or he can't. He always chooses hanging out with his friends over me too. And he has A LOT of girls on his social media sites that he talks to. I'm just not sure what is going on really.... Help me please! Smile

- Beesknees - 02-23-2014 04:34 AM

If he always talks about sex most likely all he wants is sex.

- ashley - 02-23-2014 04:39 AM

sounds lik ehe just wants sex
my bf was a player, he had a bad relationship so after he didn't want to get hurt again, so he didn't want no emotion connection with no girl, it was just sex, he would pretend to like a girl, and lie and say anything just so she would have sex with him
so he was a player a real player
now we have met he changed his ways, when we met i said we had to wait a few months before having sex cause i dnt want to just hook up i want us to have a real relationship, he wanted that to, so he waited and spent everyday with me, he didn't use no cheesy lines to get me to change my mind, when iwas ready it happened, he never talked about sex, he tried twice but that's it, and now we have been together 4 years,
he said he fell for me because i was different from all girls, i sai dwe had to wait and we waited, i showed him i wasn't easy i wasn't a hoe, and he is glad he waited for me
but if a guy just talks about sex, and asking if u would want to someday, and always mention it, then yeah he wants sex
but let him know u want a bf want a long relationship and see what he says

- hamid - 02-23-2014 04:50 AM

he is a player for sure (。◕‿◕。) find someone els, wishing you best of luck