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Why does my friend flirt with me? She told me she wanted to be friends a while back..? - Printable Version

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Why does my friend flirt with me? She told me she wanted to be friends a while back..? - Teddy - 02-23-2014 12:11 PM

My friend has always been a little flirty with me, so I've believed it to be just part of her personality. When we first met I did take the flirting a little too personally and I started to get feelings for her. She found out and told me that I'm too young for her and that we should just be friends. She's only 4 years older than me; I'm 23 shes 27. So I moved on and we remained friends... At the time though, she was still in love with her ex and was very distraught over the whole break up that she went through.

A few months later we started hanging out more frequently and now we hang out as often as possible. The thing is, she still will flirt with me and it's become more intense. She is more touchy feely with me and will get real close to me and lean up against me whenever she can. When we go out, it feels like we are a couple because of the way we are towards each other. People probably think we are a couple because when we go out, and if I was an outsider and saw myself with her, I would think that they were a couple.

There are other guys that hit her up to hang out and she's told me that she's not at all attracted to them in any way and just friends. But she avoids them and ignores them to hang out with me. I was with her when a guy txted her to hang out and she told me how she would rather hang with me. It seems like she treats me differently than other guy friends that she has. She will post pictures of us on instagram and facebook and she doesn't do that with any other guys other than the one's she's dated.

Lastly, the other weekend we went out and we were in a gift shop buying stuff for the drive home. There were these cheesy rings on the counter for sale and she was making fun of them. I joked back and said " here's you dream ring" and really had no intention of making it sound like I was the one to get her a ring... She then told me, "when i win at blackjack, I'll get you whatever you want baby" and said it in this flirty voice.

- Danielle - 02-23-2014 12:19 PM

From a girls point of view she might just think you two are really just good friends. Especially if you haven't made a move ever. She likes it because you're a good friend to her and all the other boys who are hitting her probably just wanna have sex and she's not about that. But when she hangs out with you she has a good time. I think you might be in the friend zone.
BUT there's a possibility that you're not but if she's an outgoing girl then she would've confronted her feelings by now.
