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My friend said she's in love with my boyfriend. What the hell is she on? - Printable Version

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My friend said she's in love with my boyfriend. What the hell is she on? - Elle - 02-23-2014 03:00 PM

Okay so I was being a lurking girlfriend and went in my boyfriends phone. Who can blame me? He's been acting super distant lately and I don't feel like he's into me as much as I'm into him. I posted on his Facebook wall " can't wait to change my last name to yours" and he didn't even reply or "like" it
I'm fed up.
Turns out my boyfriend has been facebook messaging my friend all day everyday for over a week.
This is how the messages went :
" we can't type like this forever sheesh I can't ask for your number so help a dude out
Then my friend goes " what you talking bout "
And he was like " you wanna Skype"'

Then in another conversation I read between them it went like
My boyfriend : you need to leave Bob and get with a real deal john. He's human
My friend : but Bob can't break my heart
My boyfriend : but he can't fully satisfy you either. He can't hold you or surprise you .. Lemme stop "
I couldn't even read the rest without tearing up crying
My friend said she's falling for him but she didn't mean to. She initially wanted them to be just friends. How do you fall in love with someone in just a week of talking ? That's bull. Sound like some middle school crap

- Jaguar XJ8-L - 02-23-2014 03:05 PM

Ahh, I have seen those type of backstabbing friends before, she has some grudge against you and is trying to play you. If your boyfriend has a attraction towards her, I would end it now! Happy Holidays!

- PurpleLillies - 02-23-2014 03:13 PM

OH my GOD. Dump them both! This is devastating. Listen to me, you need to confront him and then dump him- and your best friend isn't your bestfriend anymore, okay. I feel like giving you a big hug. You will get through this. They have done a lot of stuff behind your back by the sounds of it

Do you have anther friend you can talk to? You need a girls night out or 3 after this. But, seriously- you do have to confront him. Delete that comment on your Facebook wall immediately and change your relationship status straight away.

- blair - 02-23-2014 03:15 PM

I agree with PurpleLillies dump them both

- Esther - 02-23-2014 03:21 PM

I will answer these kind of questions by putting myself in the situation. First of all, you are absolutely right. Judging by his behavior, you have every right as his girlfriend to check his phone (I know it sounds terrible but I feel in any relationship, there shouldn't be ANY secrets). Secondly, tell him what you found out, ask about his feelings. If he seems confused about his feelings, even the slightest bit, DUMP him ASAP. And about your friend, tell her how INAPPROPRIATE and DISRESPECTFUL she is. Dump her too in fact.

I know it's hard, you're gonna lose your boyfriend and a friend. But ask yourself, are they your b/f and your friend in the first place because this is not what a b/f or a friend should behave. You're saving dignity and yourself. Good luck sweetheart.

Ps, hope you can help me with this problem too if it's not too much Thanks!