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Why is the term bipolar being used over exaggeratedly? - Printable Version

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Why is the term bipolar being used over exaggeratedly? - Andrew - 02-23-2014 03:19 PM

I see most people labeling people that may follow social norms as bipolar because of instant change in moods. I understand that people can feel two ways at once about a certain subject. Why create a stereotype on another person if you once had that same experience in your own life?

- Joseph the Second - 02-23-2014 03:28 PM

-Because just about EVERY-body seems to be going off the "Deep end"- about Their Problems, these Days. And that if They don't feel Afflicted by SOME "Condition" or Other, They don't feel like They're One of the "Crowd..." ! :o

- English - 02-23-2014 03:32 PM

Ther has been a lot about bipolar and even myself have been reading up on it just because I hear people say it so much. It is said it is over diagnosed. Many patients think it is now a "go to" diagnosis if the doctor is not able to spend much time on your case and has a degree of uncertainty. Basically, they HAVE TO put in a code on a form for a persons insuance papers. This maybe why some doctors change their own diagnosis at a later date???? It is also kind of a slang term now for anyone who is angry at anyone or anything even if they have good reason to be. I guess people with bipolar can thank the media for a propetuating a another false stereotype?????