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Why Facebook not opening in any browser with me ? - Printable Version

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Why Facebook not opening in any browser with me ? - Kareem - 02-23-2014 03:22 PM

I tried to open it from google , firefox , opera and Internet Explore but not Open
and I removed the browsers and install them again but not opening too
The speed of the internet is very high
he said like that picture i added it
please help me

- Micheal - 02-23-2014 03:29 PM

open the command prompt by:
windows logo button + R
then type cmd
then hit enter.
after you see the black screen, type:


if it shows their ip, then your problem is with the browser.
if it shows time out, then is blocked by firewall (either windows or third part firewall)

P.S. this seems like a third-party firewall is blocking facebook, if you have anti-virus, try to open the firewall setting and check if facebook is blocked, then unblock it.

- Daniel - 02-23-2014 03:33 PM

Is All Other Sites Working Fine ? If So Than Facebook is Some How Being Blocked Check And See if you Have a Filter or Firewall Installed if you Do Make Sure Facebook is Being Allowed