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Have cops really become so bad that it is considered shocking when one of them actually stands up for the cons? - Printable Version

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Have cops really become so bad that it is considered shocking when one of them actually stands up for the cons? - Elena - 02-23-2014 03:29 PM


a video is making its way around you tube and Facebook today ( and I am sure a bunch of other social media site that I don't have )

it just shows how bad police have become. The video show some kids going up to a Border Patrol Checkpoint. They exercise their constitutional rights and ask if they are free to go. The next part is truly shocking the cop did not get mad, raise his voice, or use intimidation. Instead he was cool about it and actually complemented them for doing so.

Is it because he is a border patrol agent and not an actually officer?

Cause I feel like this was a checkpoint run by cops they would intimidate the guy out or force him out illegally. Then they would have the dogs around the car in seconds, then claim they smell drugs even though they don't. Then forcibly search the car. If they don't find anything they will at least have the gratitude of knowing they "showed that punk for choosing to exercise his rights"
excuse all the spelling and grammar errors. I wrote this fast and didn't proofread. It is understandable though.

Oh and I am posting the video below

- RayHere - 02-23-2014 03:41 PM

You made me smile few years back I was having my morning coffee a lone Texas Ranger pull over car with four young man right in front of us we all heard him say ''stay in the car'' all came out of the car in a New York sec they were put to the ground by the oil workers having their coffee one poor kid was pinned to the ground by a 270 lb guy the Ranger walked over smiling ''come on boys no need to hurt them''

- dm_felionous - 02-23-2014 03:43 PM

20 years ago I was in the Coast Guard and I worked closely with police officers and Sheriff's deputies. Back then I decided that the majority of police were either dedicated professionals or at least competent ones and a minority made them look bad. Now we have 24/7 news and among their favorite stories is police wrong doing. I had about come to the conclusion that the police have become universally bullies and thugs. That is till a month ago when I hit a deer and wrecked my truck. Local police showed up fast, they were polite, considerate, professional and helpful. They got my truck towed, made sure I was okay and got me home with a report for my insurance as quickly as they could when waiting on a tow truck. It made me stop and think. CNN and their peers are reporting police mistakes and excesses at least 1 or 2 times a month. But this is a big country. We have 318 million people in almost 20,000 towns and if they can only find 12-20 cases of the police doing wrong in that large of a country than most of them must be just as professional and dedicated as they ever were. Lets, admit it, it's not like the news isn't trying to find every case they can of a bad cop. If they shoot a mans dog (heinous I admit) it makes headlines on CNN. Yes, there are bad cops. There are almost 800,000 law enforcement jobs in the US not counting military. Out of a number that large even 1% is thousands. Most cops are good guys doing the best job they can. They almost have to be or the news would be reporting police brutality and corruption 10 times a day, 365 days a year.

- who WAS #1? - 02-23-2014 03:50 PM

There is a growing list of Sheriffs who support the constitution and the rights of citizens.
If some punks punk the border guards they are asking for trouble and get what they deserve.

Don't sell the cops short, most of them are doing a hard job that you couldn't do.

- Katie - 02-23-2014 03:58 PM

I don't see the link so I have no idea what you are talking about.

How you "feel" about a similar situation is immaterial. If you are going to argue that Police are corrupt or violent or whatever you are claiming you need to post the same situation with different Officers

Otherwise - yawn, another badly misspelled question.

- James - 02-23-2014 04:13 PM

That is just T.V trying to show there is still a good one left. In truth no.

- impaler19120 - 02-23-2014 04:24 PM

The first thing that you, and lots of folks like you don't seem to understand is that the "Constitution" that you like to refer to so often is really the first ten Amendements to the Constitution, commonly know as the Bill of Rights.

The Supreme Court of the United States was established pursuant to Article III of the United States Constitution in 1789 as the highest federal court in the United States. It has ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction

The federal courts may hear cases only if one or more of the following conditions are met:
1.If there is diversity of citizenship (meaning, the parties are citizens of different states or countries, including foreign states), and the amount of damages exceeds $75,000.
2.If the case presents a federal question, meaning that it involves a claim or issue "arising under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States", assuming that the question is not constitutionally committed to another branch of government.
3.If the United States federal government (including the Post Office) is a party in the case.

So, in addition to the language included in the Constituition and its various amedemnens, there arises a body of "case law" handed down by the federal courts that serves to explain, define and interpert the language of the Constitution.

I have supprted and defended the Constitution both in the military and as a police officer for decades before you were born. Unfortunately, you don't seem to understand that the protections granted by the Bill of Rights were designed to proetct law abidinbg citizens from unwarranted government intrusion. They were not designed to provide sanctuary for the guilty.

It is unfortunate that you and your "type" of people feel that the lawful exercise of police authority is some type attack on you or your 'freedom', because you willingly choose to violate the law. In fact, it is the same lawful exercise of police authority that protects the public (including you) from Murderers, Rapists and Thieves.

You are living in what may easily be the most free and unfettered society in the history of the world. This society asks very little of you in return. You need to obey the "rules" and that is all. No one, at any time, any where likes ALL of the "rules' or "laws", but because we choose to live within certain groups, we agree to obey the laws, even the ones we don't like, or face the consequences.