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I want us to be together or am i just crazy? - Printable Version

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I want us to be together or am i just crazy? - kingmb22 - 02-23-2014 06:30 PM

My gf hasn't talked to me in many days. She recently had surgery and im worried. last month her mother went through car looking for a "calculator" and found weed in her car. My gf said she could not talk to me anymore because her mom and my gf of 3 years and 2 months thinks that it was mine. I have never done drugs. I'm 17. Going to be a nurse and I would never put her in that type of position. She didnt speak to for at least a day and then when she did she messaged "I don't want to be with you ever again because I just found out that you cheated" first off I didnt cheat. She saw something on twitter from 2011. she told me that her mom stalks my twitter to see if I message her. we got back together. were amazing til she said that 35 guys messaged her in 5 minutes. Then she searched a guy on instagram and said this was the guy trying to hit on her. I was a upset and I messaged her that I was a bit upset and wanted to figure out why is she searching other guys when she would leave me if I ever did that and she just said I was messing around and then she text me and said that she is done the day before she had her surgery. And she blocked me on everything. For her mom I put my twitter on private because it was obvious her mom was still checking my twitter and later her mom text me and asked if I was talking to her and I did not reply. Its been a week since then and I just couldn't take it anymore. I texted my gf and said I hope you can see this with a cry face. And her mom texted me that she gets the messages I send to my gfs phone on her phone. And I said okay I'm just worried about her and miss her. Her mother told me that I'm being ridiculous and she'll tell my mom If I talk my gf and that she won't pay her daughters tuition if she ever talks to me and she will kick her out. Then she said my gf had her reasons on why she doesn't want to be with me but my counselor and others think its her mom causing this. about to be 18 in a month, she's worth it, soul mate even

- Betty - 02-23-2014 06:43 PM

I understand you love this girl,but you are CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She seems mixed up and completely dominated by her mother.
The mother is nothing but trouble and will spin a lot of lies to get her way.
You need to escape these two horrors and have a happy life with someone who will appreciate you.
Move on....QUICKLY.