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Thinking about my ex boyfriend still hurts, but I have a new boyfriend? - Printable Version

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Thinking about my ex boyfriend still hurts, but I have a new boyfriend? - 린데 - 02-24-2014 04:37 AM

So I broke up with my ex boyfriend not too long ago. We didn't really break up, he just flat out ignored me, so I guess I was dumped without a single world. I really, really loved him and having him talk to me less and less hurt so much.

Two weeks after I got a new boyfriend. I know that's really, really soon but he asked me out and I really liked him so I couldn't help but say yes. Just I'm scared that he will do the same thing. That one day he will just pretend we never existed. He keeps saying that he won't do the same and that he will love me forever, but isn't that what they all say in the beginning? I just can't trust anyone anymore.

Now I sometimes still look at my ex boyfriends Facebook profile. And whenever I do that I get this feeling like I need to throw up.

What is this feeling? What do I do about it? Will it go away?

I know that this all sounds really over dramatic, sorry.

- spongie - 02-24-2014 04:51 AM

I get wat ur going threw. Same spot. Trust me yeah it hard to trust but believe him. He hasn't done no wrong to u. Dnt let ur last relationship affect ur new ones

- Pals5 - 02-24-2014 04:57 AM

You started dating too soon and didn't get closure over the first boyfriend. Maybe you should just take a break and work out your feelings for your ex before you get into another relationship.

- Leslie - 02-24-2014 04:59 AM

The same thing just happened to me... yesterday. I was dating this guy for 3 months and we made plans to hang out yesterday and he just ignored all my calls and texts and yet he went on instagram and snapchat. I'm assuming it's his way of breaking up... just like your's did.

But first off let me say that that is the pussiest way of breaking up. These guys are pathetic immature little dicks. I've never had a guy do that to me before... not when we were actually dating... so I guess yeah it happens, and we need to be weary, but like I said, it's not common. So I wouldn't assume that it'll happen again, I think if you try to date guys that are more mature it won't happen, but I get sometimes you just can't tell. But my point is it won't happen with every guy.

And as for this new relationship. It was really fast, but I get why you'd say yes. The thing is you can't fully like this guy until you get over the old guy and you def aren't over him, which is understandable. The whole feeling sick thing, is normal. I feel that way when I lose a guy I really liked, I get sick to my stomach and it's hard for me to sleep too. It's just what happens when you still like someone and you know he doesn't want you back. It'll fade in time though, but for some people it takes longer. I don't know what you should do about your new boyfriend. I don't want to say dump him, but it's not fair for him if you're still into your ex. I'd say give it time and if you still can't move on, maybe take a break and just give yourself time to heal and get over the ex. Cuz you do deserve better, trust me.

- Carol - 02-24-2014 05:13 AM

Oh boy, I'm in the same pickle. You're not being overdramatic at all. Except mine is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I drove him away but then he wasn't in love with me so, meh.

However, you have someone who obviously loves you. You've moved on to a new relationship sooner than you're ready but that's the way life goes. You sound like you have a good guy. Don't drive him away. You love him, he loves you, but you're insecure. That's all it is. You're feeling insecure. Yes, that's a normal reaction when you date a jerk. Tell yourself at least 20 times a day that your ex is a jerk, jerk, jerk. Then compare what your current bf to your ex and you'll quickly see how much better your bf is.

It'll take time for you to go over your heartbreak, but that's life. We cope but that takes time. Accept that, use the word jerk or another word, oh, and write your feelings in a journal, don't read it until a month from now, compare your ex with your current, and appreciate the healthy relationship that you have. Good luck.