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Does it look needy/ desperate to message first? - Printable Version

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Does it look needy/ desperate to message first? - Danielle - 02-24-2014 05:50 AM

So there is this guy I like and he told me he likes me, but he never texts me or messages me first. We have kissed a couple of times and he has called me beautiful, held my hand, etc. But then he ignores my Facebook messages and cancels plans.

I am always the one to message him first and sometimes he doesn't even reply. Should I keep trying for him or just drop him? Should I give it time?

But really, does it make me look weird or desperate if I always message first?

- Chad - 02-24-2014 06:03 AM

I'm naturally nervous as hell. It'd make my day for a girl to text meh first.

- anonymous - 02-24-2014 06:09 AM

If he cancels plans and ignores your messages - he probably just wants to fool around.

Not interested in a relationship (if that is what you are seeking)

But yeah maybe just give up messaging first.

- me - 02-24-2014 06:19 AM

It's not weird or desperate - honestly he looks weird for saying he likes you then ignoring you cuz what would he expect? But I'd lay off and let him come to you next - just resist the urge to initiate and see what he does. He'll contact you and then you can decide what to do from there - you may have already moved on and then it's his loss.

- conor - 02-24-2014 06:26 AM

Don't message him for a week or two. See if he ends up starting conversations first. It seems to me that he just wants to fool around. If thats cool with you, then great. But if you want a relationship, I'm sure there are many other guys that would be happy to be more involved with you.

- Shruti - 02-24-2014 06:31 AM

See from another side
might be he won't be using his facebook account everytime.. And if that message is SEEN then i guess the real problem starts..
Just a word to say PLAYBOY.. Hez just flirting with you.
And like u,he might be playing with other gals too
so i will just say BEWARE,coz that guy is not carryng loving intentions for u.

- Dullydoll - 02-24-2014 06:44 AM

i think he's just fooling around and he's taking you for granted. Try not messaging him anymore and if he messages you good thing but if not then fine. If he invites you somewhere tell him you already had plans. Don't be too focused on him, go out with your friends and have fun. That will make him try to get your attention..