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Does facebook still spy on you? - Printable Version

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Does facebook still spy on you? - Russell - 02-24-2014 07:45 AM

I heard a while ago that facebook has cookies that are nearly impossible to delete and they spy on your browser activity so Zuckerberg can sell your info to the NSA. Do they still do that or did they stop after the outrage?

- brooks - 02-24-2014 07:59 AM

Facebook doesn't sell your information to the NSA. They sell your information to companies for marketing purposes. The NSA gets your Facebook information for free.

Seriously though, facebook makes their money by advertising. They make more money if they are able to target advertising to people who are most likely to respond to those ads. If you post your political views, they can determine your political leanings and sell your name and contact information to the appropriate political party.

If you post information about your hobbies, they can sell your information to companies that sell related supplies so they can try to get you to buy their stuff. Or target advertisements to you that you are most likely interested in.

Facebook doesn't make money if people click ads and buy from advertisers. They improve those odds by harvesting and sometimes selling your information.

Every company needs to make money somehow. If you are using their service for free, you are probably what is for sale.