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How can I convince my parents to let me try online schooling? - Printable Version

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How can I convince my parents to let me try online schooling? - Lilly - 02-24-2014 08:13 AM

I might have an anxiety disorder and it's taking over my life!! Since last week, every night before I go to school, I throw up really violently and my body trembles so much. I felt like I wanted to die. In the mornings, I throw up some more and sometimes feel dizzy. I know that's anxiety because it's bad and I'm throwing up at least 5 times per day now. My parents have noticed this and decided not to take me to school. They know I feel like the world is a scary place.

Ive missed 6 days of school so far and may miss one tomorrow. I am in independent study right now! I feel like I'm some sort of prisoner in an area of unpleasant people. I honestly HATE high school and I ALWAYS get anxious in mornings before I have to go.

My family is finically struggling, and a lot of times I have to pay for materials for classes. I feel that online school would be a good option because you don't really need to pay for any materials, just your laptop/computer, connection, and printer ink.

My parents might not want me to do it since I wouldn't explore the "real world" as well or be social as much, or that they think I wouldn't be getting exercise.
My solutions (if they're enough to convince them): -They can take me out of the house at least once a day and make me be social with cashiers, church members, and strangers (the kind ones, of course).

-My parents go for long walks everyday. If I join them, that would probably count as exercise! i'll also do warmups at home and maybe exercise in the exercise room more often too.

-Oh, and I have friends. I skype them every night and one of them has the exact same problem as me but he handles it better than I do. I could also go to churches and be social from there. I feel like online school would be less stressful on me, therefore making it easier for me to focus on my mental health.

- kagmi - 02-24-2014 08:21 AM

You and your parents both have valid points.

On one hand, it is important to learn to put up with the real world for one's long-term emotional well-being.

On the other hand, high school is not always a good representation of "the real world," and folks who do do online or home schooling often do learn more academically since they are not distracted by social problems.

Given the severity of your anxiety symptoms, I might also recommend seeing a doctor and/or counselor about them. Sometimes there are ways to help anxiety, and taking any kind of action toward that will probably be in your long-term best interest!

One addition I may propose is that you try volunteering at some local community organization. Dealing with real people in a setting that is more like work than school may help prepare you for the job market, later in life.

I wish you the best of luck!

- Kayla V - 02-24-2014 08:37 AM

Pick a couple of online schools that you would like to attend and write down the things you like about them, and have your parents sit down and hear them. ASK them if anything about the information you have researched appeal to them on any level. Antoher thing that some parents have wrong about online school is it doesn't prepare you for the real world. Online school goes far beyond that specturm.You do learn how to live and survive, and how to prepare yourself for the job market. Online school allows you work at your own pace. Online schools has it where you can gradurate early, and enter into college. Online school makes it great for kids to LEARN without pressure from bullies. I totally understand where you coming from. I am attend an online school. It is great! I have more time to spend with the ones I love. I will be finish this year in May. I will be going to college a year earIy. If you attend an online school, your parents will know you are safe, they will be able to help you more with your anxiety disorder.

I hope that your parents would rethink about how the feel about online school for your sake.

- hi - 02-24-2014 08:39 AM

I'm homeschooled but when I went to school I know exactly how you feel. The only bad thing about onnline school is it isn't cheap usually. I am homeschooled through Aron accedemy which is 100$ plus I had to buy all my books & if you're in high school you have to take extra classes. Not saying it isn't possible but if money is a problem I'm not sure how you could be. I'm sorry:/