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Does My "Friend" Have Some Kind of Weird Mental Disorder? - Printable Version

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Does My "Friend" Have Some Kind of Weird Mental Disorder? - Calvin - 02-24-2014 09:53 AM

This kid is probably the weirdest kid I know.

Whenever I'm around him, he always seems fake. He is always super self-conscious. Whenever I'm with him, I always notice people giving him weird looks because he is so awkward. Whenever I talk to people, especially girls, he always starts acting really glum afterwards. He starts pretending to be happy, and starts going on and on about how certain cheerleaders have been hitting on him, or how he's been chatting up so many girls etc...He once even lied to me about one of his girlfriends being fifteen when she was really thirteen. He was almost sixteen at the time...weird

He was also really awkward with me at first, but I really wanted to be nice to him. Once he realized I wanted to be friends with him, he became really clingy. He would ask me if I wanted to hang out with him every single day. Some days, I would be unable to because of other obligations. Whenever this happened he would act really offended, as if I was doing something wrong.

He also has no consideration of other people's schedules what so ever. He sometimes texts or calls me at 11:30 at night or as late as 2:00 in the morning. I always tell him that I don't pick up calls after nine o' clock. Sometimes, he would say that he would be at a certain place and never show up. Whenever I asked him why, he would usually shrug it off. If I tried to explain why I'm frustrated, he always finds something wrong that I did and tried throwing it back in my face to make me feel bad.

Lastly, he completely disregards alot of social norms. For example sometimes, when we are walking around he would shout about how he loves PEN15 and then start laughing and trying to get me to join in. He also cat calls alot of girls. Sometimes on facebook, he goes around abusing girls. He would call them s luts, and talk about how they are fat and should kill themselves. When I told him what I thought about this, he started trying to convince me that they didn't deserve to live.

What a freak! So after reading all that, do you guys know if he has some kind of mental disorder?

We're both juniors in high school.

- Linden Rose ღ - 02-24-2014 09:57 AM

I'm not actually sure what a mental disorder is, but there may be something wrong with him. When I read the first paragraph, I just thought he was a really shy and unconfident person who wants to be liked and he gets jealous when you talk to girls because he may want to do the same, but feels like he can't. The part where you say "he keeps going on and on about how certain cheerleaders have been hitting on him, or how he's been chatting up so many girls" sounds like his bragging, either to make him feel better about himself, or to try to make you jealous or to make you think that he's also good at talking to them and getting along with them. Maybe he thinks he's not good enough to be your friend because you're better with the girls than him? In this case, what he's doing isn't that bad unless his trying to make you jealous. And when he lied to you about that thing, he probably just thought it may have been seen as wrong to date someone who is more than a year or two younger than you.

In the second paragraph, I'm guessing that he's either really lonely, thinks you're a good friend and wants to be with you a lot of the time/just a clingy person or both. I'm guessing he doesn't have many friends so it's very good of you to want to be nice to him, but he may be over thinking what you're doing and thinks you want to be friends with him and he's happy about that. I've had a very clingy friend too so I know how hard it is. She didn't want to invite me over every single day though, but I wonder if she would have tried to do that if I gave her my phone number like she wanted me to do.

For him to call you in the middle of the night is ridiculous though, especially if you've already told him that you didn't want him to do that. Maybe you should keep your phone on hold after nine. If he tells you that he wants to meet you at a certain place and organises it, he should show up there as well and if you ask him why he didn't, shrugging isn't an answer, he should have a proper excuse and apologise and try to be more organised with future plans.

In the final paragraph, he does indeed sound like a freak of nature. He's probably trying to be funny or look cool, but if you're not doing it as well, you'd think that he'd realise that you don't want him to do that and you don't want to join in.

I don't know why he does that to girls on Facebook, especially the part about telling them to kill themselves. Even if you don't like someone, you can't just tell them to kill themselves. Anyone living has the right to live unless they purposely kill another human. I have seen a guy on Facebook calling girls fat, but I think he just said that because he was arguing with them and didn't have any valid points to make on his behalf. Does this guy you're talking about just do this at random or is he angry with them for some reason?

I think you should explain to him as politely as you can that he cannot call you at night because you need to sleep, but he can call and text you in the day time and if he saids his going to be somewhere waiting for you, he actually has to be there because you're going to stop trying to meet up with him if he doesn't do his part. Also, tell him that he shouldn't shout things out when you're just walking around because it will give him negative attention and you feel embarrassed for him when he does that. He also can't go around saying rude things to girls. Tell him if he has a problem with them to just block them, ignore them and not say those things to them or about them. If he continues to do these things, just break contact with him. You've done good trying to be nice to him, but you shouldn't have to put up with this.