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I cut off ALL my friends after high school? - Printable Version

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I cut off ALL my friends after high school? - thatdude - 02-24-2014 12:06 PM

I was WAY too stressed with life and i dropped out of college and literally cut off all my friends. This happended two years ago and i still have no friends. can anyone relate? I just want to know if people done similiar things?
Harry Fuck you man

- Taylor - 02-24-2014 12:10 PM

I did that. My best friend did that and other friends have done that. I went from being the "popular girl" to only having maybe 2-3 friends and i proably talk to them every couple months. I cut people off to focus on me and it feels GREAT! Its a phase that A LOT of people our age go through. Youre not the only one. Stop worrying about others and just worry about you!

- Ceejay - 02-24-2014 12:22 PM

When I'm stressed, I do the same thing but it didn't happen when I graduated, it happend in the 11th Grade. Things were just becoming too much for me and I couldn't cope and I felt sort of far away from everyone so I kind of began to shut people out and didn't bother hanging out with people or really talking. I guess I just hit the wall. I wasn't depressed but I'd pretend to be happy but all I wanted to do was scream just because I was that stressed out. I just wanted to get the year done with and I cut people out. I'm actually an extrovert but in that moment I became an introvert and used to come straight home after school, sleep, eat, do homework and sleep again. Eventually, I became less stressed and I was able to socialize again and my friends welcomed me back, I guess and I explained to them what happened to me and how I was struggling to cope with it all and I just didn't know what to do with myself and I couldn't balance school and friends anymore.

I think you should contact those old friends. A lot of the time, we imagine how people would react but they do the exact opposite. Just call them up and you can hang out or something.

- Matthew - 02-24-2014 12:23 PM

I did this! I made new friends through the internet and then joining a different college course!! Smile it's not a bad thing it's just change that will benefit you and you shouldn't feel bad! Smile

- Ivvie - 02-24-2014 12:37 PM

Yeah every high school I would go to I would cut off my old friends now I only have one but if they were your real friends you can ask them out for lunch if you have there numbers still or look for them on Facebook it would be like nothing change if there your true friends.

- Nicole Bryant - 02-24-2014 12:41 PM

Nope same thing happened to me I'm now 20 and barely have friends this is a part of life for some of us and if you half way decent making new friends is difficult in today's society