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Daily Tasks of a Marketing Officer? - Printable Version

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Daily Tasks of a Marketing Officer? - shortpc89 - 02-24-2014 02:07 PM

What would be the daily tasks of a marketing officer in the following scenario:

- Game development company
- Only one game launched and won't make any additional revenue unless a budget is made
- No budget because new people are being hired
- Additional ways to monetize the product can't be implemented because other things are being put into priority on the programming side.

So what does a marketing officer do when nothing can be done about a product until the operations team has more free time available and the game itself is boring....and there is no money to invest in marketing and the places most people go to read about games won't review or promote our game?

Anyone have any creative ideas on how to market a boring casual game with no marketing budget (with MANY competitors that are higher ranked)?
And also, it's a one-person marketing team. the people who are getting hired are programmers.

- Ryan Ong - 02-24-2014 02:10 PM

Social media marketing.

Write articles about the game development process, write about the game industry in question, start a a blog with game reviews; and have ALL of it linkback to your company's site. Facebook and Tweet and every article, and populate a mailing list.