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Will he ever regret leaving me? - Printable Version

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Will he ever regret leaving me? - Tine - 02-24-2014 04:17 PM

I don't understand. Everything was great. We rarely argued. We had lifelong plans. He talked marriage and kids. And then he ripped everything away within a snap! (I didn't see it coming AT ALL) How can he say these things to me and leave me hanging, "I want you to be the mother of my children.", "I want you in my life.", "I want you to be my wife." yada yada yada. I don't get it. He led me on and made me think this was it. How is this even possible? Are men really like that? Will he regret leaving? I was really good to him! I swear! Oh, btw, he even blocked me on Facebook. I am not upset about him leaving, I am upset about how he wasted my time pretending to be nice to me!

- Emily - 02-24-2014 04:22 PM

Sounds like a complete tool if you ask me and you're better shot of him. My ex did pretty much the same to me when i was pregnant and he didn't support me at all when i lost the baby. Worst part was when his baby momma got pregnant he stood by her and she really messed his head up. Doesn't it show you though once a tool always a tool? Girl you deserve better and you always will never forget that. He will wake up some day and realise what he's lost and you can have the satisfaction of making him KNOW he will never have you again. Guys always want what they cant have. **** him though doll you're worth a million of him always will be x

- Stella - 02-24-2014 04:23 PM

I understand how you are feeling, someone I cherished made me feel like they liked me back but it was all a game to get me in bed, even after I told him I had been hurt in the past. But the point is, no one knows! However, they tend to miss you a lot more when you don't care and are having fun! Don't sprnd your life asking questions! Get out there and show him you don't need him :-)! Xx

- Choxie2 - 02-24-2014 04:35 PM

Honey, that's what we older ladies call a psychotic man. Why don't you go on out and find yourself a sane one.

- Paulina - 02-24-2014 04:41 PM


my dear that's reality of most good percentage of immature men. They will bring down the sky for you and then all of a sudden kick you to the curve. I had it happen to me recently and now I lost interest so I will be the one telling him how I feel. But I think you shouldn't worry you're young and it's just an experience learned. I think he will MOST DEFINITELY regret leaving you but don't worry when he does respond very cold, serious and one word answers make him regret leaving you and also kill him with kindness.. I would also tell him when you get the chance to talk to him or when he writes to you how immature he is.

Don't worry life goes on you just live and learn and gain experience.