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What is the future of Hong Kong going to be? Hopeful? Bleak? - Printable Version

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What is the future of Hong Kong going to be? Hopeful? Bleak? - †Archangel TJ† - 02-24-2014 06:13 PM

Much of Hong Kong's finite social resources are taken up by people from mainland. Culture clashes between mainland and Hong Kong has been the highest it's ever been.

One idea is, as economic growth and prosperity reaches deeper into mainland China, there would be fewer needs for people in mainland to use up the resources in Hong Kong.

Or is it a dire situation and ultimately will lead to Hong Kong's cultural extinction?

- coolwid - 02-24-2014 06:16 PM

17 years have passed since the Hong Kong hand over, guess what?

The Hong Kong economy experienced on average 4% growth every year ! This is quite remarkable for a developed economy, especially considering the fact that the 2008 Global Financial Melt Down has hit HK hard.

Hong Kong is China's 2nd largest trading partner after United States, with the help from the world's 2nd largest economy, there's no reason why anybody would expect anything bad for the near outlook of the HK economy.

- Freely - 02-24-2014 06:22 PM

HK's future is unknown. Though CCP claims the sovereignty of HK, it does not dare to be seen in the world as being cruel and ruthless to Hongkongers as it so used to in abusing/torturing Tibetans, Xinjiangers and any non-CCP-connected Mainlanders. Thanks to HK and Hongkongers' worldwide strengths and successes built up upon since the British era. REAL HK People all feel grateful at what the Brits done to the City, similar to Taiwanese feeling grateful towards Japanese great contribution in Taiwan during the latter's occupation.

Hence Hongkongers and the rest of the world must voice out loud and clear to tell this mafia regime to cut it out on any stupid thing it tries to lay its dirty fingers on the city, ie HK's 2017 universal suffrage and criteria in selecting the 2017 Chief Executive candidates. An inhuman, freedom-less, rule-less, law-less, uncivilized, barbaric dictatorship such as the CCP must and should shut up on all matters concerning HK's universal suffrage. What does a freedom-less dictator know anything about democracy and universal suffrage?

It's true CCP is now the richest government on earth, on the contrary Mainland Chinese is still one of the poorest people and has the most number of poverty on earth. This explains why so many dirt poor and unskilled Mainlanders willing to pay a bribe to CCP guys up north in order to immigrate to HK yearly, estimated at 60,000 per year, at the sole discretion of the corrupted CCP guys, pathetic.

HK People must get back Mainland immigrants approval rights from the CCP immediately or else HK Taxpayers' hard earned tax money will be wasted on these uselss CCP-locusts immigrants which are now all over the city and shamelessly feeding on HK Taxpayers welfare without contributing a single penny. Both CCP and CCP-locusts are disgusting.


@ Thanks for Phoenix' CCP myths.

The crappy food + water Hong Kong currently BUYING from CCP-China is NOT cheap, with those $$ spending, HK easily could import non polluted/toxic food & mineral water from France, New Zealand, so forth. Don't spit bull please.

HK's been built up by the brilliant Brits as Asia's important trading/tourist/financial/transportation hub since 1960s and have been successfully kept that way ever since all because of HK's good, strategic location, efficient and good government/judicial/social systems left behind by the Brits.

Without the greedy and ruthless interferrances and colonization of CCP and its corrupted, dirt poor locusts, HK could possibly be better than Singapore of today. The fact that Singapore given a free choice to ally with the US and EU and not with CCP-China tells it all despite 70% Singaporeans are of Chinese ethnics and the Father of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuen Yew is originally from Fukien Province.

For Singapore to keep a distant away from CCP, one should realize how disgusting this regime is even in the eyes of Asian Chinese ethnics.

@ flingebunt

You've been listening too many bull from the CCP as well, quote from your misunderstandings,

"...Over time the mainland of China has taken over many important functions..."

Go talk to any foreigners who have lived in both Hong Kong and China inclu in Shanghai, Beijing so forth and see which place they much prefer? Hong Kong for sure and why? Rule of law, uncorrupted, transparent government and policies, no censorship on news, freedom to expressions/protests, etc etc which are so vital for the day-to-day business operations esp a financial market. Without any of these criteria present, Shanghai can never dream to be a close financial market, at best Shanghai can only continue serving its corrupted CCP firms and guys up north. HK does not need them anyway.

- Pheonix - 02-24-2014 06:24 PM

Before 1978, China used HK as an important bridge to the West, but now HK is just a Chinese city. Now Hongkong needs China more then China need Hk. Without China,HK can not survive : 90% water and food come from the mainland, HK exports over 1/2 of its goods and services to its motherland (i meant China, not Britain)

- flingebunt - 02-24-2014 06:29 PM

Over time the mainland of China has taken over many important functions that you see in Hong Kong with Shanghai becoming an important financial center.

As the mainland opens up Hong Kong closes up and over time the 2 places will meet in the middle.

Is that good or bad.

Hong Kong is useful to the mainland because of things like rule of law that doesn't really exist in the mainland, and more relaxed regulation and tax rules.

Set up a business on the mainland you have to pay 20% tax (plus bribes to officials) but in Hong Kong you pay 3% tax.

Want more than 1 child, have the second child in Hong Kong and get that child a hong kong ID so they can work on the mainland.

Want to have a meeting or conference, getting a visa to Hong Kong is easier than the mainland.

- Nick - 02-24-2014 06:34 PM

Still very bright but less important as it was 20 years ago. Economically,HK still enjoy one of the highest GDP/person in the world (higher then the average American or Japanese). Politically, not much will change even after 2047,because by then mainland China may become non-communist,western style democracy.

- eiji - 02-24-2014 06:45 PM

great revival of hkl

hk movie industry is the best indication.

thanks to chinese market, and chinese investment, hk producer, director able to produce blockbuster movie on par with hollywood.

those days, this type of movie is unsustainable because they unable to get back their money to cover the cost. the market is too small.

cultural exchange between hk and outsider has increased due to china bigger role in international arena.