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Does anyone know how to get people to like your facebook page for free? - Printable Version

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Does anyone know how to get people to like your facebook page for free? - miz.babygirl4u4eva - 02-24-2014 06:54 PM

I have recently made a facebook page for fun. To make people happy, to laugh... But I only got 13 likes.. do you know of a way I could get likes for free? The page link is

Could you like it please? :3 Thank you! <3
Hey stop with the rude comments. If you can't help then gtfoh! If you can then thank you Smile

- thedamnmushroom - 02-24-2014 07:10 PM

The best way to get people to like your Facebook page, for free even, is make a Facebook page that's worth looking at and having a lot of friends that will see it.

And if you had to pay people to like it, ur doin it rong.

- 356 - 02-24-2014 07:12 PM

You're lucky it has got 13 likes. It's terrible. To get more likes, make a better page

- boo - 02-24-2014 07:23 PM

Don't listen to the rude answers, when I set up my Facebook page I asked a similar question and didn't get one helpful answer.

The best ways are to s4s , l4l , t4t , p4p , l&s4s

s4s is share for share so post on another pages timeline saying s4s? If they agree then copy and paste their link to our timeline and they will to the same.
l4l is like for like and this is where you like their page for them to like yours.
t4t is where you tag them into acomment. To do this you will need a tag code but I don't know how to get them, sorry.
p4p is basically the same as s4s
l&s4s is when smaller pages ask bigger pages for s4s but say I will like yours as well.

Ask all of your friends to like and ask your close friends to ask their friends.

When you go on holiday talk to people you meet there and ask them to like so people round the world can like it Wink xx