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How to tell a girl that does not know I'm in love with her? - Printable Version

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How to tell a girl that does not know I'm in love with her? - Roberto - 02-24-2014 07:59 PM

I see her every day at school, she demonstrates to be interested in me, but she is always accompanied and therefore I can not approach her.
I've tried talking to her for facebook, but she does not use facebook much and usually only go there at night, there are days that neither will, I sent a message saying "hi", but she has not seen her (I know this because did not show the "seen") and I'm hoping she answer me to start a conversation, but it's weird every day to see her and could not do anything. She usually looks into my eyes when I pass by it.
I love her very much and so do not want to blow it, I'm not holding this more heart ache.
Someone I can advise them anything?

- The Beast - 02-24-2014 08:08 PM

Be a man and tell her.

- Shadow777 - 02-24-2014 08:11 PM

Well, if you have her number or you're a friend on Facebook with her and you feel to shy to say, either say on Facebook that you like her in your own words, or get one of your friends to tell her.

- chakra girl - 02-24-2014 08:15 PM

it's Valentine's day pretty soon...use it to your advantage!

- Yourgirljaz - 02-24-2014 08:22 PM

I agree with chakra girl. Valentines day could be the perfect day to show someone how much you love them. Buy her something sweet but simple. Also write her a letter. Gently explaining to her your situation and once you've explained how hard it is for you to approach her or contact her, tell her you'd like to get to know her more and you find her very interesting . Once she feel comfortable about that and you two hang out and talk more, you can tell her you love her.