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Is there a problem with my dad? - Printable Version

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Is there a problem with my dad? - widebrother728 - 02-24-2014 08:00 PM

He recently created a Facebook account. He doesn't go on the computer; he just uses his phone. Anyways, he's been talking about these female celebrities that talk to him on the site etc. I just logged into his account (i know his log-in info because he always has trouble and asks me to help) and found that they were all just poser accounts. He's very mistaken... I saw that he comments on and likes their pictures. One comment was "Good morning beautiful". I saw that some lady who isn't a celebrity commented on one of his pictures that had snow in it, saying that she misses snow. He replied: "I know you never see snow at the your hometown. I Will keep it. I will carry to you. or you could come over hereã…¡he he".... and i have no idea who she is. Do you think they actually know each other? I think this is just disgusting. I know about weird old pedo/perv men lurking online but i never thought my dad could be one of them. When I was in jr high i found out he went on websites showing pictures of sexy women and i was devastated. I got over it in high school because I thought that it's just a guy thing that you just can't do anything about and he was just looking at pics that's all. But now I know that he actually gets pleasure in interacting with attractive women online... Wtf? I asked him how he makes female friends on fb and he said they dont know each other but just add each other. Is this a problem I should tell the rest of my family about? The only reason I'm pissed is because my mom is extremely loyal and I don't think he even loves her anymore but doesn't leave because he has high morals. I don't want her to be hurt or to know about this. What do you think? Should I just check up on his account once in a while to see if his actions on fb get worse?

- shutuppauface - 02-24-2014 08:08 PM

You're way too involved in your dad's activities.
Go get a life of your own and stop snooping,

- ASKBiblitz - 02-24-2014 08:12 PM

Corner him in a room and close the door then let him have it calmly and quietly. Tell him what you've discovered and how it creeps you out. Ask if mom knows. His answer is not important. What is important is that you tell him how this makes you feel. By asking you about log-in info was his intention to show you what he's up to? Ask him. Watch him squirm. Then leave. Women have to stop allowing men to behave so childishly expecting women to just jolly them along b/c it's 'guy stuff.' No. Not good enough. If he wants to play, he should at least be man enough to keep it private. Say this, emphasizing creepiness. Do not tell mom. It's not your relationship after all. But act to create better boundaries against pop until he shows signs of maturity. Give some nervous moments then stay out of his account.

- Bronson - 02-24-2014 08:15 PM

yes there is defiantly something VERY wrong with your father , go show your mom .... or better ... his mom haha , i can see it now she'll be like "DA FAQ"