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The Patriotic Socalist Party? - Cricket - 02-24-2014 08:05 PM

Many people are fed up of the traditional politcial parties (Lab,Con, Lib Dem)

I've recently come across " The Patriotic Socalist Party" through Facebook. Being fed up of Labour, I decided to read the "Patriotic Socalist's Party's" manifesto. I think the party is "common sense" politics. I often find parties over complicate their manifestos. The party are fairly new, they stand for UK patriotosm, the environment and British Industry.

Here's there website if you're interested.

Facebook Page:

- Warren T - 02-24-2014 08:10 PM


- Wolfie - 02-24-2014 08:20 PM

As Warren T points out, it's a contradiction in terms!

- Goosey - 02-24-2014 08:29 PM

Socialism & common sense politics..that is pants wettingly funny, does their UK patriotism mean more subservience to the unelected suits in Brussels

- Roger the Dodger - 02-24-2014 08:38 PM

They are led by one Andrew Stott, who has been kicking round the fringes of extreme right-wing politics for the last decade.

You would get a better understanding of their true nature if you replace the word "Patriotic" with the word "National" in their title.

Although I'd disagree with Warren and Wolfie - I'm a socialist; I believe in a fairer distribution of our nation's wealth, and in greater equality of opportunity and social mobility and I'm patriotic; I love the UK, I live here, obeying the laws of the land and paying my fair share of tax towards its upkeep. Where's the contradiction?

Am I wrong to think that patriotism is more about following the rules and making your fair contribution to our nation; than it is about waving flags and shouting at foreigners?

- Robert - 02-24-2014 08:47 PM

Oh good! Another right-wing splinter group, peddling hate.

- BB - 02-24-2014 08:56 PM

No. They sound like left-wing authoritarians, and there are too many policies I disagree with. I suspect they're a BNP front organisation.

The most obvious bad policies I found in their policy objectives PDF:-

Ensure that only those who have resided in the UK for 3 years or more will be entitled to receive benefits of any kind.

Cap Child Benefits at two children.

Ensure that when a life sentence is given there is no chance of release.

End 'secret' Courts by ensuring that all judgements are published (a bad idea because childrens identities often need to be protected).

Introduce National Service for all 18 year olds for a period of one year in either military or civilian services. (For those who don't know this was also a BNP policy and may still be)

Place greater investment in gold and silver reserves when financially prudent to do so. (Gold/silver reserves are essentially an irrelevance in the modern world)

Withdraw from the EU and negotiate our own free trade agreement with EU member states and apply to join EFTA (a pipe dream which would severely damage the UK's economy)

Seek, with the consent of the Irish people, the reunification of the British Isles under a single central government. (A fantasy, it would never happen)

There are others but they would require more explanation. This should be enough to show why they don't deserve your support.

- Celia H - 02-24-2014 09:03 PM

I believe the Nazis used the same or a very similar misleading tactic, didn't they?

Look - the only time socialism and patriotism meet is under enemy occupation or in the face of fascist or other imperialist aggression. In any other circumstances, socialism is basically international.

I wouldn't take too much notice of them, or waste your time on them - they are just one of a number of splinter groups of racist and fascist nutters.

- Mike - 02-24-2014 09:06 PM

Their policies seem alarmingly similar to the BNP's...

- Lord Britannia - 02-24-2014 09:14 PM

Yes i picked up on the similarity to the BNP the economic policy is protectionist just like the BNP. Inflation and unemployment is what comes of that. I'll never vote for a fascist. These guys are a wolf in sheeps clothing. They talk euphemistically about the military what they really mean is militaristic and authoratarian yes and i bet they offer holidays to North Korea like Hitler did when he gave Germans trips to Italy
This Party has a National Socialist agenda. And pretending to be Socialist like Hitler did well atleast when he was trying to win votes. Then he killed them. I am not fooled by this Parties smoke screen behind which they hide
Economically these guys are insane not only would they hugely increase spending more than enough to make Gordon Brown wince they would increase military spending, renationalise the train and energy companies i could go on. But massively increase taxation have VAT at 25%. Increase the minimum wage for under 21s but introduce a national living wage for over 21s another inflation causing policy. Have free trade agreements but have a protectionist economy total opposite contradictory economic systems. So on the economy they would raise taxes cause inflation , increase spending and no doubt borrowing and hugely increase the national debt basically do a better job of destroying the economy than Labour could