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Feeding a kitten to a snake? - Printable Version

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Feeding a kitten to a snake? - -V- - 02-24-2014 08:07 PM

There's a new case in Malaysia that this guy rear a snake and he fed the snake a kitten he found.
The pictures and posts were shared all over the social media.
There are too many debates over this. Can some one explain to me if it's normal.
Yes snakes is carnivores but feeding a cat to it - some say its okay some say its not.
When those who say its not normal, the others counter back by saying killing cows for beef to feed cats arent normal too.. this is going no where and im confuse =.=

- AK-47 - 02-24-2014 08:16 PM

need source

- Malificent - 02-24-2014 08:18 PM

People assume its not normal because chances are a snake is not going to come across a kitten in the wild. If it did, and it was big enough, and hungry, it would probably eat it. I knew a guy who went to the store once to buy a mouse for his snake but they had none, so he told the guy there that he wanted a guinea pig for his daughter and just fed the snake that. Some things are more socially acceptable to feed an animal thats a pet.

- lady - 02-24-2014 08:23 PM

The man in that controversial article got arrested for taking free puppies and kittens and feeding them to his snake. So, it's illegal. It is called Animal Cruelty. 
Although rats, mouses, etc. have developed nerve system, cats nerve system is almost as developed as dolphins/dogs/chimpanzees ones.
So, cats and dogs in that position knew what was happening and were in a big pain.
Disgusting, in my opinion.

- Lotts - 02-24-2014 08:29 PM

Sick bastard -.- (the guy who fed)